Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

U.S. Intelligence On Alert For Israeli Strike On Iran

Apparently the Pentagon is monitoring this situation closely to see if an attack may be 'imminent'. Because the sources are unidentified and for now, only WND is reporting the story, I'd take it with a grain of salt. However, this wouldn't be surprising either. This is one we'll have to wait for and watch closely to see if it has any merit.

U.S. intelligence on alert for possible Israeli strike on Iran

The Pentagon is watching for the possibility that Israel could use the occasion of an alleged Iranian plot to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States as a pretext for launching a long-anticipated attack on Iran's nuclear sites, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

The source, who is in a position to monitor Israeli defense activities, said the U.S. is watching "an indicator and warning matrix" in which the U.S. can "go so far as to plot the illumination tables to pick out what nights would be best" for such an attack.

The intelligence source said that there is "a green light" for the Israelis "to do a strike."

The source said that the concern among some U.S. analysts is that an attack could be "imminent."

The U.S. intelligence source said while some analysts believe an Israeli attack may be imminent, close I&W monitoring of Israeli defense posture indicated that only their civil defense had been "spun up" at the moment.

"One curious thing is that we're taking a lot of imagery of the (Israeli) defense sites – more than usual," he added. "You might see one report every few weeks on something (but) there were five just today."

Even President Obama has stated that "nothing is off the table" when it comes to responding to Iran.

Who knows. While this is entirely possible and consistent with much of what we have been watching recently, it is still hard to believe.

Thus far, it is difficult to find this story corroborated elsewhere but the coming days could prove interesting in that respect.

Meanwhile, as with so many of the signs that we observe - we'll be watching this closely for any further developments.

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