Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Egypt To Cancel Peace With Israel

This was predictable and many of us saw this coming with the evolving Muslim Bortherhood takeover of Egypt.

Egypt May Cancel Peace With Israel, Says Jordan's King

It's not only Israeli analysts who fear that even the cold peace between their country and Egypt may be in danger as Islamic forces rise in the wake of Egypt's revolution.

Jordan's King Abdullah II on Wednesday told the Washington Post that there is a "very strong possibility" that following upcoming elections, Egypt's new rulers will revoke the Camp David Accords.

At the risk of stating the obvious.

That is especially true if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power. The group is contesting over 50 percent of the parliament seats in the next election, and is currently the only major political party active in the country.

Those experts insist that Egypt wants to maintain its flow of American financial aid and military equipment, and won't do anything to jeopardize that.

"The peace between Israel and Egypt is no longer holy," declared Egyptian diplomat and Secretary-General of the Arab League Nabil al-Arabi at a recent rally. "It [peace with Israel] cannot be considered equal to the holy Koran."

Al-Arabi was only echoing what the Egyptian public had been saying for months.

The results of a public opinion poll conducted following the fall of dictator Hosni Mubarak found that the majority of Egyptians want to annul their nation's peace treaty with Israel.

Conducted by the Pew Research Center, the survey revealed that 54 percent of Egyptians don't want peace with Israel, and will support a candidate who advocates annulling the Camp David Accords.

That percentage was the same among both secular Egyptians and those affiliated with Islamic organizations.

Like so many of the other significant events in the region, we saw this one coming as soon as the "takeover" happened. It was an easy call as we watched the powerful Muslim Brotherhood take over - it was inevitable that they would break any and all ties with Israel and indeed they are.

Once again, in the region, we see a relatively stable government fall into the hands of radical Islam - and inevitably, when that happens, the anti-Israeli rheotric begins.

Watch for the same in Libya, which is only a few months behind Egypt.

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