Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

News From The Epicenter

A couple of interesting articles from Israel Today:

Palestinians say enough talk, ready to fight

It seems like everybody is itching for a fight these days...

Palestinian public opinion poll conducted over the weekend revealed that Israel's ostensible peace partners have had enough of talking, and may be gearing up for more violence.

Over 64 percent said negotiations are not the only way to achieve a Palestinian state, and 57 percent said they expect the eruption of a "third intifada" or terrorist uprising against Israel.

Meanwhile, a majority of all Palestinians said the Western-brokered peace process with Israel is no longer of interest to them, a fact bolstered by last month's unilateral attempt by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to gain recognition of Palestinian independence at the UN.

The results of the poll further demonstrate how the terms of the Palestinians previous agreements with Israel were never instilled in the general public. According to the so-called "Oslo Accords," the Palestinians were supposed to renounce all other means of acheiving a Palestinian state outside of direct bilateral negotiations.

Also see:

Israelis worried by anti-Semitic flavor of 'Occupy Wall St.' protests

A growing number of Israelis and foreign Jewish groups are expressing concern over the anti-Semitic flavor of some of the "Occupy Wall St." economic protests in the US.

As they should be - after all, it is an alarming trend.

From the 13th century expulsion of Englands Jews to the 19th century Russian pogroms to the Nazi Holocaust, sour economic conditions have historically formed the backdrop of rising anti-Semitism.

Last week, we reported on a lone protestor at the Wall Street sit-in who insisted that America's economic woes could all be traced back to "the Jews."

Since then that message has been picked up by others at "Occupy Wall St." demontrations around the country.

On the American Nazi Party website, leader Rocky Suhayda voiced support for "Occupy Wall St." and asked, "Who hold the wealth and power in this country? The Judeo-Capitalists. Who is therefore the #1 enemy who makes this filth happen? The Judeo-Capitalists."

One of people reportedly responsible for organizing the "Occupy Wall St." protests, Adbusters editor Kalle Lasn, has a history of perpetuating conspiracy theories that say the Jews control America's foreign policies.

Interestingly, we've been reading about the strong connections between Mr Soros and Adbusters.

The Emergency Committee for Israel, a Jewish-run Republican organization, released a video highlighting these and other anti-Semitic incidents at the "Occupy Wall St." events, and urging President Barack Obama to take a firm stand against such hateful rhetoric.

Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper called the anti-Semitic outbursts "hard to watch," and an Israeli commenter said, "It's just like pre-World War II Nazi Germany. You think blood libels can't happen in America?"

...others have noted that Nazi anti-Semitism started out as a fringe phenomenon in Germany before eventually defining that nation's domestic agenda in the 1940s.

More than the few Occupy Wall St. anti-Semites themselves, it is the lack of a clear and firm repudiation of their hateful rhetoric by the mainstream American media and political leaders that has a growing number of Israelis and Jews on edge.

One has to search pretty hard right now to find any friends of Israel and whatever that small number is - it is rapidly dwindling. The strongest friends of Israel are found in the church - specifically those who take a literal view of the Bible and, perhaps more importantly, the same view of the prophetic scriptures.

And we know that group won't be around much longer.

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