Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

News From The Epicenter: The Option Now Is War

Well, this development was inevitable.

There will be no peace plan and no two-state solution. The only option left is war. We suspected this all along:

Hamas: 'Resistance' against Israel is only option left for Palestinians

Hamas leader Khaled Meshal addresses Tehran conference 'in support of the Palestinian Intifada'; Iranian supreme leader tells conference that UN bid for statehood will fail.

Hamas leader Khaled Meshal told an international conference in Iran on Saturday that "resistance" was the only option left for the Palestinians.

Meshal was addressing the "5th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada" in Iran’s capital Tehran.

It was never about statehood. We need to bold the statement below. At least it is being openly discussed (again) - the true intent:

"Palestinians must resort to resistance no matter how costly it is, until Palestine is free and Israel is destroyed," Meshal said.

The bottom line. The biblical version. Cutting through the rhetoric; cutting through the political correct deceptions. The real agenda has now been officially stated and it is found in one word: WAR.

Not only that - we see the puppet master, Iran coming out with the same:

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who also spoke at the conference on Saturday, assailed a two state solution for Israel and the Palestinians, saying the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations is doomed to fail.

Iran is calling the shots in the region and now their true intent is being publicly stated.

Khamenei told the conference, which was attended by other by senior Palestinian militant leaders as well as Mashaal, that the Palestinians should not limit themselves to seeking a country based on the pre-1967 borders because "all land belongs to Palestinians."

"Our claim is freedom of Palestine, not part of Palestine. Any plan that partitions Palestine is totally rejected," Khamenei told the conference.

"Palestine spans from the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean), nothing less."

Below we see another quote that must be bolded:

Khamenei also called Israel a "cancerous tumor" that should be removed.

The Jerusalem Post also carries the story (lets see if the MSM in the U.S. carries any of this):

Khamenei rejects two states, calls Israel 'cancerous'

At "Intifada Conference," Iranian leader says two-state solution "is nothing but a capitulation to demands of Zionists"; Mashaal claims "resistance is the only option left for the Palestinians."

As leader of a country under a long-standing threat of military action from Israel and the United States, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned the Jewish state and its allies to expect "paralyzing blows" that a NATO missile shield could not prevent.

"Any plan that seeks to divide Palestine is totally rejected," Khamenei told a conference commemorating the Palestinian Intifada.

"The two-state scheme, which has been clad in the self-righteousness of the acceptance of the Palestinian government and membership at the United Nations, is nothing but a capitulation to the demands of the Zionists or the recognition of the Zionist regime on Palestinian land," he declared.

Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said at the conference that "resistance is the only remaining option" for the Palestinians, adding that "all others have failed. "

While Washington seeks to accelerate a return to Israel-Palestinian talks in order to avoid a vote on statehood, Khamenei mocked Barack Obama's support for Israel as a cynical ploy to retain the US presidency at next year's election.

He said a NATO early-warning radar system being deployed to protect the Western alliance from attacks by countries including Iran would be ineffective.

Make no mistake about it - this is a call for war.

Meanwhile, we see that the U.S. continues to provide support and military assistance for Turkey - a key figure in the Gog-MaGog alliance who will attack Israel in the future:

US to provide Turkey with attack helicopters

US Ambassador to Ankara Francis Ricciardone announced Friday that the US will provide Turkey with three new attack helicopters, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported.

According to the report, which quotes Turkey's TGRT news network, Ankara asked Washington for SuperCobra attack helicopters to replace those it lost in the campaign against Kurdish rebels.

It is important to keep in mind the fact that Iran is not a casual observer in the region. Iran is firmly in control of both Hezbollah and Hamas, which control Lebanon and Gaza along with most of the West Bank. Additionally, Iran is now well rooted in Egypt and Syria.

These alliances look a lot like the expected battles described in the Psalm 83 prayer and the Isaiah 17 scenario. Many of us have expected this first battle/war to be a proxy war for Iran.

Today's news brings us hauntingly close to this scenario.

This writer believes that the above proxy war will rapidly lead to the Gog-MaGog conflict.

We seem to be on the verge of this entire scenario unfolding precisely as biblical prophecy would dictate.

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