Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Tipping Points in the Middle East

The news today reveal just how many different tipping points are in play right now and any of them could easily launch the region into the final battles/wars as described in the prophetic scriptures - wars which will lead directly into the Tribulation.

Only a little context is needed for each of these tipping points.

1. Syria

Syria - as part of the "inner circle" who will most likely invade Israel first and precipitate the Isaiah 17 scenario:

We've already seen Syria (Assad) make definitive statements regarding any "attack" from foreign forces, including Turkey and/or NATO would lead to their sending missiles into Israel. Israel has already stated that they will attack Damascus if this happens. Additionally, if Syria were to use chemical weapons, then Israel has stated that they would respond the same as if attacked by nuclear weapons. And the recipient of their "response? Damascus. Additionally, we have already seen Assad attempt to link Israel with weapons flow into areas of 'resistance' - possibly setting the stage for a desperate war with Israel. This would be a good time to brush up on Isaiah 17.

Syrian protesters to Assad: You're next

Inspired by the scenes of euphoria in Libya, Syrian protesters poured into the streets Friday and shouted that President Bashar Assad's regime will be the next to unravel now that ousted Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi is dead.

Although the mass demonstrations in Syria have shaken one of the most authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, the opposition has made no major gains in recent months, it holds no territory and has no clear leadership.

Now the armed uprising in Libya that drove Qaddafi from power — albeit with NATO air support — appears to have breathed new life into the Syrian revolt.

Some Syrians are now calling on protesters to take up arms and inviting foreign military action, hoisting signs that say "Where is NATO?" and urging the world to come to Syria's aid.

Will we see implementation of the "responsibility to protect" doctrine as we have seen put in use for Libya?

Also see:

Protesters in Syria, Yemen take to streets inspired by Gadhafi death

Syrian President Bashar Assad's security forces opened fire on the protesters, killing at least 24 people nationwide on Friday, according to activists. It did not stop the crowds from chanting, "Your turn is coming, Bashar."

The armed rebellion that drove Gadhafi from power … with NATO air support … appears to have breathed new life into the uprisings elsewhere in the Arab world.

The growing signs of armed resistance may give the government a pretext to use even greater firepower against its opponents. Authorities have already used tanks, snipers and gangster-like hired gunmen known as "shabiha."

What if Assad does get taken down? That too leads directly into a tipping point - as we have seen in Egypt and Libya, Syria will be overtaken by even more radical anti-Israeli groups - groups who would be even more likely to invade Israel:

Islamist Leadership for Syrian Revolution

Turkish Islamist regime deliberately helped produce a Syrian leadership that is more Islamist and more Muslim Brotherhood controlled than was necessary. Since Turkey’s government was empowered to do this by the Obama administration, the White House is responsible for this extremely dangerous situation.

It is a blunder or a betrayal — in effect, the motive and cause don’t matter — of the greatest dimensions. The Obama administration may “only” have paved the way for the triumph of Islamist regimes in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia — we don’t yet know the final result — but it has been actively involved in helping promote an (avoidable) Islamist revolution in Syria.

Of the 19 members of the committee whose names have been published, 4 are identified as Muslim Brotherhood and 6 more as independent Islamists. That means 10 of the 19 — a majority — and hence 10 of the 15 Sunni Muslim Arabs (two-thirds) are Islamists!

2. Libya

The entire world has been watching as the Libya's government has been overthrown. Don't forget, Libya, as part of the northern African alliance (which forms part of the "Gog-MaGog" coalition) will become more and more likely to participate in an invasion of Israel. How are current events setting up this prophetic scenario? The reality of that situation makes it apparent:

U.S. and Gullible Americans Celebrate Apparent Fortunes of Al Qaeda in Libya

At face value, the tenuous narrative of a struggling, desperate NATO confounded by months of fierce resistance on all fronts and an increasingly brutal and transparently atrocious proxy army on the ground in Libya, suddenly wringing victory from what was essentially a catastrophic failure, is difficult to believe.

...the US intervention in Libya, literally glorifies Al Qaeda’s exploits in the now ruined nation.

What is confirmed, is the jubilation coming from the West’s leadership and their ghoulish propagandists throughout the corporate-media, celebrating the apparent death of Qaddafi, and the apparent fortunes of NATO’s proxy rebel forces.

As reported earlier, NATO’s proxies, the “National Transitional Council” is led by the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) [4] an Al Qaeda affiliate and listed by both the US State Department [5] and the UK Home Office [6] as a “foreign terrorist organization,” and a “proscribed terrorist group” respectively.

In other words, we can expect to see development in Libya to follow in the footsteps of Egypt and Lebanon - which is a much more radical ISlamic regime - a regime that is much more likely to participate in war leveled against Israel.

3. Iran

We have been watching Iran closely, as Iran is a critical part of the "Gog-MaGog alliance" of Ezekiel 38-39 - an alliance who will invade Israel in a massive invasion (only to be thwarted directly by God Himself). We see tipping points being reached there as well, as Iran gets closer and closer to having functional nuclear warheads.

This video link comes courtesy of Mr. C and reveals the nearness of the Iranian tipping point:

Israel Prepares for War on Iran

Also see:

Withdrawal of U.S. Troops From Iraq Highly Suspect

This is a very interesting and thought provoking article - one worth reading. Below are just a few quotes:

Integral to this stated agenda, is the toppling of Iran’s government and its integration into the Wall Street-London “international order.” Efforts to topple Syria’s government by US-backed and now apparently armed opposition groups aim to isolate and even provoke the Islamic Republic into a suitable justification for US or Israeli (or both) retaliation. As reported on extensively, the literal playbook from which these stratagems are drawn is the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution’s “Which Path to Persia?” report. In it, it specifically states:

“…it would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be.

Allowing the Israelis to attack by air, and sacrificing US troops on the ground in Iraq as a pretext for greater war is most certainly a possibility. The report continues on by stating the necessity of maintaining a certain level of plausible deniablity regarding the Israeli airstrikes.

Keep an eye on Israel for their attack and the complicit United States waiting to once again “lead from behind.”

The report goes on to say of an American approved Israeli airstrike:

“However, as noted in the previous chapter, the airstrikes themselves are really just the start of this policy. Again, the Iranians would doubtless rebuild their nuclear sites. They would probably retaliate against Israel, and they might retaliate against the United States, too (which might create a pretext for American airstrikes or even an invasion.)”

4. A coming global (totalitarian) government and the necessary decline of America as a world power:

The Indoctrination of American Youth and the Marxist Nature of the Occupy Movement

The ongoing and now extreme indoctrination of Americans, especially young people, through thinly veiled Marxist education in public and private schools as well as the popular mass media has made child’s play of creating a Marxist color revolution with the purpose of putting an all-powerful collectivist totalitarian government into power that will be able to seize property and deny, with even more complete impunity, the God-given natural rights of the citizens and which will still be covertly controlled by the billionaire and trillionaire organized crime networks.

Not to mention the coming world leader.

More below:

One such issue is collectivism itself. Surprise, surprise, anything touching on real empowerment or individualism, truly free markets (no, not corporate cartels), constitutional limits on government, or a truly representative constitutional republic serving the best interests of its citizens (no, not foreign invaders claiming to simply be lacking their documents, foreign bankers, corporate cartels, or semi-secret society members but real citizens) is not allowed.

The elitists have backed many collectivist authoritarian movements, both communist and fascist, throughout history.

The U.S. is just a few months behind the Middle East, where it is already happening:

The middle east color revolutions have been touted as grassroots movements powered by freedom lovers but they have often been covertly controlled by elitist and globalist banking operatives such as George Soros as well as by western intelligence bureaus.

Simply Google Soros color revolutions and the like and see if you are convinced by the evidence.

Indeed. More here:

The same dynamic is occurring within the Occupy Movement. The liberal young adults in this country are the most socialist and marxist indoctrinated bunch of mind controlled useful idiot tools of the elitists that we have ever had (with some notable exceptions who are in the minority)

However, true free market capitalism (as opposed to corporatism) is not the problem. Truly free markets are beneficial to everyone.

Are the Occupy crowd collectivists? Well, the Communist Party U.S.A. has endorsed then and The American Dream website has an excellent article detailing the collectivist leanings and demands of the occupy activists. They want immediate passage of the Dream Act among other attacks on Americans and American sovereignty.

Not only does Obama back the Occupy movement (although he seems to have supported Wall Street interests extensively) but Communist China also supports the Occupy movement.

Between Occupy support for Obama with a very collectivist plank and the endorsement of Obama, Communist China, and the Communist Party U.S.A., it is apparent that the elitist mind control psyop through education to create American collectivist moron fanatics and to import more from third-world hell-holes has born fruit.

Apparently all that was required was a very real but convenient crisis to bring them out of the woodwork.

Also see:

Solid Evidence That Occupy Wall Street Is A Communist Movement...To Bring Down The Free Enterprise System

Is Occupy Wall Street a communist movement? Is it being run by socialists who wish to bring down the free enterprise system? As you will see in this article, the answer to both questions is yes.

But the truth is that when you take a close look at the "organizers", the literature and the stated goals of this movement, you see socialism and communism everywhere.

As our economic system crumbles, an increasing number of Americans are coming out of the woodwork and are proudly declaring that they are socialists or communists.

And to close - Ahmadinejad may actually have this one right:

"U.S. becoming weaker and weaker"

"The United States has become weaker and weaker. Now they are hated in the region," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in an interview with CNN on Saturday.

Tipping points are everywhere you look right now. And any of them could quite easily trigger the final prophetic wars which lead into or become part of the Tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist.

Which one will actually trigger the final events?

No one knows but there are plenty of options, and each one draws closer by the day.

Maranatha is our key word at this moment.

Jesus told us to look up for His return for His Church as we witness these events and we should look at the news with that thought first and foremost. He also told us to have no fear, as these things had to happen and we would see the early stages.

That is exactly where we find ourselves at this very moment.

We should be looking up; His return is very near.

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