Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

In the news:

"Unusual" meeting between U.S., Iran over plot

President Barack Obama said Thursday that officials at the "highest levels" of the Iranian government must be held accountable for a brazen and bizarre plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States on American soil, insisting leaders of the world will believe the U.S. case without dispute once they absorb the details.

U.S. officials, meanwhile, confirmed the Obama administration has had direct contact with Iran over the allegations. The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, met with Iranian officials at Iran's mission to the U.N. on Wednesday — a highly unusual contact for two countries that do not have diplomatic relations.

That State Department conceded Thursday that the response from foreign governments was initially skeptical.

The rumors have already started regarding the next steps to be taken. Take this one with a grain of salt:

Sources: U.S. Gives Israel Green Light For Iran Strike

Israel is concerned that major powers like Germany are moving closer to smoothing relations with Iran and allowing Iran to continue its nuclear enrichment program unimpeded. A two month window has been allocated during which Israel has the opportunity to launch a military assault, waiting until winter when the attack will be more difficult to pull off is not an option.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s October 3 Tel Aviv visit was used by Israeli hawks to convince the United States that it should green light the attack. Less than 10 days later, a fanciful terror plot involving a used car salesman was invented to implicate Iran and create the pretext for a military assault.

Geopolitical experts have been consistent in their warnings that Israel was preparing to strike Iran this fall.

U.S. official: 'Multiple' sources strengthen case against Iran

"Multiple" sources have corroborated the report about an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States, a scheme the administration is alleging is tied to Iran's military, a U.S. official told CNN Thursday.

The United States is offering "specialized briefings" to officials in other countries who have sought more information about the alleged plot, said State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. She cited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as having wanted more information.

The news came on the same day that the United States reported having had "direct contact with Iran" about the alleged plot and as the Obama administration ratcheted up its rhetoric against the Islamic republic.

Will Israel bomb Iran without notifying the US?

In recent weeks, intense discussions have taken place in Israeli military and intelligence circles about whether or not to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Apparently, the key question in the debate was how to ensure that the United States took part in the attack or, at the very least, intervened on Israel’s side if the initial strike triggered a wider war.

Some western military experts have been quoted as saying that the window of opportunity for an Israeli air attack on Iran will close within two months, since the onset of winter would make such an assault more difficult.

Concern that Israel may decide to attack without giving the US prior warning is thought to be the main reason for the visit to Tel Aviv on October 3 of the US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta. His aim seems to have been to rein in the Israeli hawks.

The danger is that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may now seek to break out of Israel’s current political isolation by mounting a spectacular attack on Iran. Having lost Turkey and Egypt, and facing a revolt by the international community against his Greater Israel ambitions, he may think that the time was ripe to seize the initiative. His calculation may be that a lethal blow against Iran would weaken an already deeply-troubled Syria and leave Hezbollah orphaned. Israel would have killed three birds with one stone.

Hamas: Israel Promised No Revenge, We Promised More Kidnappings

Hamas leaders are telling Arabic media that Israel agreed to release terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit without a commitment from the terrorist group to stop kidnapping soldiers. Israel tried to get a commitment, but agreed to go ahead without one, according to sources quoted by the pan-Arabic paper Al-Hayat.

Hamas also claimed that they managed to extract a promise from Israel not to harm the more than 1,000 terrorists to be released in exchange for Shalit in any way.

Is the Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrating the American Government?

The Revolution is Upon Us

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests, which didn’t happen overnight but were three years in the making, have been portrayed as spontaneous outbreaks by ragtag gangs of shiftless, harmless hippies. They are in fact the army that Barack Obama boasted about even before he came into power.

Trained in the fine art of Civil Disobedience by Ruckus Society anarchists; paid for by George Soros and the Tides Foundation, among others, aided and abetted by street fighters like Code Pink and Greenpeace, count on OWS as a permanent part of society until Obama and his masters perfect the fundamental Transformation of America through Marxism.

OWS are there to replace the Tea Party and any other contingent of American patriots fighting increasing taxes, or remaining loyal to the restoration of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

The protests unfolding before our eyes are part of the coming upheaval necessary to deliver America over to Marxist control.

Cooperation of the authorities in politically correct times are making it easy for OWS to foment the Revolution.

A Marxist Takeover of D.C.'s Freedom Plaza

The “October 2011” movement organizer Dennis Trainor tells me that he believes capitalism is “homicidal” and that the U.S. needs a revolution. “This is not a reform movement,” he said. He is part of the illegal occupation of Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. The “October 2011” movement is not part of, but endorses the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that began several weeks ago.

Trainor told me that the anti-Wall Street protesters believe they will bring down the government and create a new system based on higher taxes for the rich, free health care for all, an end to wars, etc. It is tempting to laugh at them, except for the fact that veterans of the 1960s protests as well as Soros-funded groups like Think Progress are putting their weight behind these determined Marxists, misfits and crazies.

Very strong earthquake below Papua New Guinea

Very strong shallow dangerous earthquake in Amur, Russia

Seismic Monitor

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