Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

In the news:

Prophetic developments are moving at light speed right now. The amazing aspect of this is the fact that every single sign that we have been given continues movement - all moving towards the coming Tribulation:

Step by step we see those countries who will fight against Israel in the last days becoming more aligned with radical Islamic elements world-wide. This is one that all prophecy watchers should have seen coming:

Libya's liberation: interim ruler unveils more radical than expected plans for Islamic law

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the chairman of the National Transitional Council and de fact president, had already declared that Libyan laws in future would have Sharia, the Islamic code, as its "basic source".

Libya is already the most conservative state in north Africa, banning the sale of alcohol. Mr Abdul-Jalil's decision - made in advance of the introduction of any democratic process - will please the Islamists who have played a strong role in opposition to Col Gaddafi's rule and in the uprising but worry the many young liberal Libyans who, while usually observant Muslims, take their political cues from the West.

Also see:

Libyan Transitional Leader: Sharia Will Be Source Of All Law

Update from Joel Rosenberg

Iran Threat and Mideast Tensions Dominate Headlines

The Iran threat and tensions in the Middle East and North Africa are dominating international headlines — and the situation seems to be worsening by the day.

My main concern is that the mullahs in Tehran smell blood in the water. They see the Obama administration and America more broadly as politically, diplomatically and economically weak.

Iran feels increasingly emboldened. The ayatollahs believe the wind is at their back and that Allah is on their side.

Their End Times theology tells them that the Twelfth Imam is coming and America will implode soon

As I wrote on Friday, the Obama administration is determined to pull U.S. forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan as fast as possible. I believe this is a dangerous mistake. The White House is leaving the playing field to an increasingly emboldened and dangerous Islamic Republic of Iran.

President’s unwillingness or inability to successfully negotiate with the Iraqi government to keep any U.S. military forces in Iraq is already sending a signal to Tehran that Washington is even weaker than they thought.

U.S. pulls ambassador from Syria

The United States has pulled its ambassador out of Syria over security concerns after his cultivation of contacts with protesters led to attacks on his embassy and residence by backers of President Bashar Assad, diplomats said on Monday.

Robert Ford left Syria over the weekend, the Western diplomats told Reuters, following a series of incidents that resulted in physical damage but no casualties.

Ford, a veteran diplomat, infuriated Syria's rulers by getting in touch with a seven-month-old grassroots protest movement demanding an end to 41 years of Assad family rule.

McCain raises prospect of military option in Syria

Don't forget, Assad has stated that any military intervention into Syria will result in his attacking Israel.

US Senator John McCain raised the prospect Sunday of possible armed intervention to protect civilians in Syria where a crackdown on pro-democracy protests has killed more than 3,000 people.

"Now that military operations in Libya are ending, there will be renewed focus on what practical military operations might be considered to protect civilian lives in Syria," McCain told a World Economic Forum meeting in Jordan.

McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's "regime should not consider that it can get away with mass murder.

"There are even growing calls among the opposition for some foreign military intervention. We hear these pleas for assistance. We are listening to and engaging with the (opposition) National Council," he added.

Could we be on the verge of seeing "responsibility to protect" enacted again? Stay tuned.

Video: Death Estimate in Turkey Quake Reaches 1,000

Rescue crews and regular civilians continued Monday to search for survivors in the aftermath of a 7.6 scale earthquake and a 5.5 scale aftershock in Turkey's Van province.

Dozens of buildings collapsed Sunday and numerous roads were blocked.

Two hundred people have been confirmed dead so far but total deaths are expected to pass 1,000.

Israel offered to send search, rescue and medical teams but Turkey did want any aid.

The Coming Financial Storm

This article began as a dicussion piece about the Euro and the single currency but its the concluding remarks that may be more germane to prophecy:

With a meltdown in the sovereign debt markets fast metastasising into an all-embracing economic and political calamity, the Continent’s position has rarely seemed quite so imperilled since the days of the Second World War. Most worrying is that the Franco-German partnership which lies at the heart of the European project is fracturing as never before, with deep divisions over almost every aspect of the grand rescue plan.

Remember the fact that "big crisis leads to big change"?

In front of our eyes, one of the biggest financial and economic storms of the modern age is brewing.

That could involve cutting Greece and others loose, and establishing a more tightly knit, fiscally solvent eurozone.

Could we be watching the development of the "10 kings" stage?

With a "5 + 5" split?

Or it could mean splitting it in two, with France allying itself with the Mediterranean south so as to limit the scale of the devaluation, its inflationary consequences for the south, and the loss to the creditor nations of the north.

Interesting developments.

Treason? Senior Communist Lobbies 'Super Committee' for Defense Cuts

A senior Communist Party USA activist is leading a nationwide effort to lobby the Congressional Super Committee of 12 to propose deep cuts to US defense spending.

Judith LeBlanc is a leader of the Communist Party’s Peace and Solidarity Commission, the party body charged with directing the US peace movement and laising with foreign “preace’ and radical organizations.

In a country facing severe economic problems, LeBlanc and her comrades want to exploit the well-founded fears of middle and lower income America, to create overwhelming pressure for deep defense cuts – despite the fact the US, Israel and other allies are facing growing challenges from security threats from Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and other hostile powers.

November 9th's USA Nationwide Communication Blackout

Some people consider it plain bizarre that such a test would be conducted in the afternoon hours while people are out and about rather than overnight while they are sleeping.

America’s Emergency Alert System has never shut down all television, radio, cable TV and satellite radio in its entire lifespan, so there is much anxiety about why it’s being done now.

The diagnostic test, will in effect, be a total communication blackout. The FCC is vague about how long the TV and radio broadcasts will be off the air.

The Commission’s choice of Nov. 9 as the test date is fueling speculation from an uneasy public. Nov. 9 in Europe and in military parlance is 9/11/11.

Undoubtedly the FCC test of the EAS is happening at a time when people just don’t trust the government anymore.

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