Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

In the news:

Report: Obama Wants 'Silent Freeze' in Judea, Samaria

The Obama administration reportedly wants Israel to implement a "silent freeze" of Jewish homebuilding in eastern Jerusalem and the mountains of Samaria and Judea to coax the Palestinian Authority (PA) into agreeing to negotiate with Israel.

According to Israeli daily Maariv, the United States wants the freeze to be undeclared and partial. The idea is that Israel will not build new neighborhoods but will be allowed to build within existing ones.

Here comes the bottom line:

Any transgression of these terms will result in "harsh steps" against Israel by the U.S.

The reality of the situation, apparently unknown to Mr Obama is seen in the Israeli response, and goes beyond 'political speak':

MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) was quick to chop down the idea. "After ten months of a loud and unprecedented freeze, it is outrageous to see that the Obama administration still believes that construction in the settlements is indeed an obstacle on the road to negotiations," she said.

"There is no difference between a silent and loud freeze," she added. "The public's clear choice of the right wing will not allow a second freeze of construction in Judea and Samaria, no matter what statement comes out of the Prime Minister's office."

The PA has insisted that Israel freeze all construction in Judea and Samaria as a precondition for negotiations. However, when Israel did freeze construction for 10 months, he did not sit down at the negotiating table, yet demanded that the freeze be extended.

Rapidly Inflating Volcano Creates Growing Mystery

Should anyone ever decide to make a show called "CSI: Geology," a group of scientists studying a mysterious and rapidly inflating South American volcano have got the perfect storyline.

Researchers from several universities are essentially working as geological detectives, using a suite of tools to piece together the restive peak's past in order to understand what it is doing now, and better diagnose what may lie ahead.

It's a mystery they've yet to solve.

Uturuncu is a nearly 20,000-foot-high (6,000 meters) volcano in southwest Bolivia. Scientists recently discovered the volcano is inflating with astonishing speed.

Researchers realized about five years ago that the area below and around Uturuncu is steadily rising — blowing up like a giant balloon under a wide disc of land some 43 miles (70 kilometers) across.

"It's one of the fastest uplifting volcanic areas on Earth," de Silva told OurAmazingPlanet."What we're trying to do is understand why there is this rapid inflation, and from there we'll try to understand what it's going to lead to."

Biometric registry slammed in light of personal info theft

Government Services Minister Michael Eitan (Likud) called for the immediate reevaluation and halt of the establishment of a biometric population registry and identity system following the announcement Monday that sensitive personal information of every Israeli citizen was stolen by a government contractor and put on the Internet.

"The state is building a time bomb that will explode in all of our faces," Eitan said of the biometric program that is set to begin a pilot program next month. "There is no disagreement that the biometric database is dangerous, but [they] are making false promises that the database will be hermetically sealed with unprecedented security."

The biometric population registry, Eitan said, "will be leaked and broken into also, and it's only a matter of time. I hope that the lesson will now be learned and a complete reevaluation will take place in relation to the dangerous and useless biometric database."

For background on this story see:

Biometric ID database to be launched in November

"The State Can Seize Control And There Is Nothing I Can Do": November 9th Emergency Broadcast Test

The Blaze recently reported that at 2 p.m. EST on Wednesday, November 9th, The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Communications Commission will conduct the first-ever national test of the Emergency Alert System, where radio and televised broadcasts across the country will be disrupted for roughly…three-and-half minutes:

“In essence, the authority to seize control of all television and civilian communication has been asserted by the executive branch and handed to a government agency,” wrote Buck Sexton in our earlier report.

While emergency broadcast tests are typically used by state and local governments to issue severe weather alerts and other emergency information, there has never been a nationwide activation of the system before.

Meanwhile, the thought of the nation’s broadcast systems being completely cut off for nearly four minutes — in addition to broadcasters being stripped of control — has left many, including Glenn, feeling unsettled over who, exactly, will have power over our airwaves.

Police State Fascism Now Rampant: Martial Law Next

Currently, the state of Tennessee is acting as a testing ground for the federal government’s assault on the citizen’s right to privacy. TSA goons dressed in state sanctioned garb, and heavily armed “law enforcement” cretins with drug sniffing dogs, are harassing the people of Tennessee on interstate highways and bus stations.

They are doing this of course all in the name of stopping terrorism. It is interesting how these state simpletons can at the same time terrorize the general populace while protecting them from terrorism.

This is not a new concept, but in the U.S. today, police state abuses are not only greatly increasing in numbers, but also are becoming more invasive as every day passes.

The mainstream media claims that Tennessee is the first state to fight terrorism statewide, but illegal checkpoints are now being set up all across the country. The DHS now claims the right to stop and harass anyone, ask for their “papers,” and search them within 100 miles of any U.S. border.

Those who choose not to fly so they can escape the groping, radiation, and humiliation of airport “security” dished out by the evil TSA, may now find themselves at risk of this same type of treatment when they simply choose to take a Sunday drive. We are quickly becoming consumed by this fascist state called America!

Actually, warrantless searches are now common, everyday events, and many get the blessing of the very corrupt U.S. Supreme Court. Last May in an 8 to 1 ruling, the Supreme Court gave a green light for police to break into anyone’s home should they “think” that the resident was hiding evidence.

Police and government agents, including the military, are training and preparing for civil unrest. What do they know that the masses don’t? They have military equipment, even in some cases tanks, and they are receiving ongoing military training.

This does not bode well for our future. It is a blatant show of force, and the intent of the Department of Homeland Security, and all its police partners across the country is total control of the citizenry.

Our situation is worsening by the day, and the state apparatus is preparing to fight against its own citizens here at home. This is a precarious situation that could spiral out of control, and we are terribly close in my opinion, to being in an uncontrollable police state environment.

When this happens, the obvious next step will be Martial Law.

Once that stage is reached, it may be too late to stop the coming onslaught of the totalitarian state.

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