Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Rumors of War: Israeli Prisoner Swap May Be Prelude To Attack On Iran

It is fascinating to see this article published in the Washington Times after seeing much speculation on this aspect by prophecy watchers:

Israeli prisoner swap may be prelude to attack Iran

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to execute a 1,000-for-1 prisoner exchange last week despite his frequently voiced opposition to such lopsided deals is seen by several Israeli military commentators as an effort to “clear the deck” before possibly undertaking an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Amir Oren, the veteran military analyst for Ha'aretz newspaper, took note of Israel’s exchanging 1,027 Palestinian convicts for army Staff Sgt. Gilad Schalit, who had been captured by Hamas in 2006.

Mr. Oren wrote that the price paid by Mr. Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak “can be interpreted only in a context that goes beyond that of the Gilad Schalit deal.”

There is a historical perspective for this move as well:

He noted that Israeli leaders in the past have shown a readiness to absorb “a small loss” in order to attain a greater success, generally involving “some sort of military adventure.”

Mr. Oren also noted that, until recently, Mr. Netanyahu had faced opposition to attacking Iran from Army Chief of Staff Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and Mossad intelligence chief Meir Dagan. Both retired earlier this year and have been replaced by men believed to hold a different view on Iran.

According to Israeli media reports, a shift in the Israeli government’s views on Iran might have prompted Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s Middle East visit in April:

His main mission was to pass on a warning from President Obama against any unilateral attack on Iran.

Below we see another revealing quote:

This week, Jerusalem Post military correspondent Yakov Katz wrote that, with the Schalit chapter behind it,

“Israel can now move forward to deal with some of the other strategic problems it faces in the region, such as Iran’s nuclear program.” Had Israel first attacked Iran, Hamas‘ patron, it would have endangered the Schalit deal, Mr. Katz said.

Although the prime minister failed to make any enduring mark on history during his previous term or so far during his present term, Mr. Netanyahu may see Iran as an opportunity to achieve his Churchillian moment, Mr. Oren wrote. “The day is not far off, Netanyahu believes, when Churchill will emerge from him.”

It does make sense that Israel wouldn't "leave a man behind" in the event of military action against Iran particularly given that Hamas (an Iranian based terrorist group) held the Israeli soldier, Gilad Schalit.

Additionally, the window of opportunity is closing for Israel to take preventative action as Iran inches closer and closer to having viable nuclear weapons; weapons that they would rapidly ship to the various terrorist groups in the region. Israel may have no other options than to attack Iran.

And if they do?

One could easily see yet another tipping point in the region - a tipping point that would trigger the last series of wars in the region, with the invasion of the Gog-MaGog alliance figuring prominently. Perhaps Iran would initially use their proxies (Psalm 83/Isaiah 17) in the "inner circle around Israel (Lebanon, Syria, West Bank, Gaza, Egypt etc.) to weaken Israel and rapidly follow this with the Gog-MaGog alliance attack.

Either way, war seems imminent in the epicenter - exactly as the prophetic scriptures have foretold.

Update: Another Swap?

Another Israel-Egypt swap in works?

Three prisoner swaps in one month? Bedouin Israeli Ouda Tarabin, who has been imprisoned in Egypt for 11 years now, will be returning to Israel next month as part of a prisoner swap with Israel, Kuwaiti daily al-Jarida reported Saturday.

According to a senior Egyptian official, Tarabin will be released after the Feast of Sacrifice, a Muslim holiday that will be celebrated in mid-November this year.

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