Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Russia Assists Iranian Military: Calm Shattered in Israel

The first comes from Debka - and we see further strengthening of the Gog-MaGog alliance:

Russia boosts Iran's armory with mobile radar-jammers against planes or missiles

Moscow has sold Iran the highly-advanced Avtobaza truck-mounted systems which are capable of jamming aircraft radar and the electronic guidance instruments of attacking missiles. This deal, announced in Moscow Tuesday, Oct. 25, substantially boosts Russian military assistance to the Islamic Republic.

These radar jammers are a component of Russia's most sophisticated anti-aircraft and electronic warfare system for the early warning of approaching assault planes and missiles.

This is certainly interesting timing - especially considering the questions that have been raised about Israeli intentions of bombing Iran's nuclear facilities.

However, the US and Israel are reported to suspect a Russian stratagem whereby the Avotbaza jammers are only the first part of the deal, to be followed by the delivery to Iran of the full ELINT-electronic signals intelligence system. The full system would enable Iran to identity and react to any aerial or missile movements – not only over its territory but in the skies of the entire Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.

From now on, Russia is undertaking responsibility for providing Iran with the defensive hardware it needs for its national security.

Implied in this undertaking is another message: Russia will not stand for American or any other Western attacks on Iran or Syria like the NATO operation which overthrew Muammar Qaddafi in Libya.

This is a very interesting development.

We also see this report that could signal the beginning of a new barrage of missiles coming towards Israel:

Calm shattered in south as Grad rocket lands near Ashdod

After weeks of quiet and for the first time since Gilad Shalit has returned home, the quiet has been shattered in southern Israel: A Grad rocket fired from the Gaza Strip on Wednesday night landed in an open territory in the Be'er Tuvia Regional Council between Ashdod and Gedera. According to Magen David Adom, several people suffered shock

A Color Red siren was heard in several communities including Ashdod, Kiryat Malachi, Rehovot, Ness Ziona and Gan Yavne. There is no Iron Dome system deployed in this region.

The Grad rocket was most likely fired from the northern Gaza Strip near the ruins of what was once the settlement of Dugit.

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