Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

More Birthpains: 6.9 Magnitude "Extremely Dangerous" Quake in Peru

Just days after the massive quake in Turkey, we see this - a 6.9 quake in Peru:

Extremely dangerous earthquake on the coast of Central Peru

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit near the coast of Central Peru. Depth of the hypocenter given by USGS is 34 km. The earthquake hit at 01:54 PM local time (18:54 UTC). The earthquake was also felt in Ecuador and Brasil

Its too early to tell what the extent of damage is because communications are nonexistent due to damage:

Only very few news facts are arriving out of the epicenter area. Main reason : no power (computers) and NO or very limited telcommunications (few cell phones)

Also see this update on Turkey's quake:

Earthquake - Turkey - 575 dead, 2608 injured, at least 8026 households long-term homeless

There was also a 4.9 quake in Oklahoma and many more around the world today:

Seismic Monitor

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