Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

In the news:

Barak: IDF doesn't heed empty calls for cease fires

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the IDF does not pay attention to empty calls for cease fires from various terrorist groups, in an interview on Monday with Army Radio. If they want a cease fire, Islamic Jihad and Hamas will need to actually stop their attacks, he explained. He added that Israel holds Hamas accountable for all rocket fire from Gaza.

Addressing the Iranian nuclear program, Barak said, "We have no reason to fear anything" as Israel is the strongest country in the Middle East.

Still, Iran is a central threat to Israel and the international community and needs to be treated as such.

"Israel doesn't have to allow a nuclear Iran, the world doesn't have to allow a nuclear Iran," he insisted, saying that all all options for dealing with the Iranian threat should be on the table.

And that last quote leads to these articles:

More Signs Israel Preparing to Launch Attack - Possibly Against Iran

A U.S. intelligence source has told G2Bulletin there are more indicators Israel is preparing to launch an attack – possibly against Iran. And if it does, it may be looking at how to undertake a multi-front strategy that would include an assault against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the Gaza Strip or even Syria

Separate sources suggest that Syria would welcome such an attack to divert attention from its own internal violent demonstrations against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The latest indications and warnings, or I&W, come two weeks following G2Bulletin's initial report that the Pentagon was watching for a long-anticipated Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear sites.

He said that U.S. analysts were concerned that an attack could be "imminent." The intelligence source said there was a "green light" for the Israelis "to do a strike," although it wasn't clear whether that green light is coming from within the Israeli political and military command structure, or from the U.S. government.

The source now reports further I&W to include unusual helicopter traffic at one of the Israeli training bases.

The source reports that the traffic involves some 20 utility helicopters and three attack helicopters.

U.S. fears unilateral Israeli strike on Iran

A senior US State Department official said there is growing fear among Obama administration officials ahead of an IAEA report indicating considerable progress in Tehran's development of its military nuclear program which is set to be published in November.

The US is concerned that the report may trigger Israeli actions against the Islamic Republic which may not necessarily be in line with US interests in the region.

The official said that Washington's reevaluation of an Israeli strike in Iran is based on various maneuvers Israel has performed in the past few years.

Last week, it was reported that many Israelis are concerned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided on an attack on Iran's nuclear reactors. The US is naturally also concerned over such plans which may send the entire region into a whirlwind.

Christian Author Joel Rosenberg: We May See "More Bible Prophecies In The Near Future"

“The world is on the brink of disaster and the clock is ticking. Iran has just conducted its first atomic weapons test. Millions of Muslims around the world are convinced their messiah—known as ‘the Twelfth Imam’—has just arrived on earth. Israeli leaders fear Tehran, under the Twelfth Imam’s spell, will soon launch a nuclear attack that could bring about a second holocaust and the annihilation of Israel.

“Faith, to me, is the lens through which I’m watching all these dramatic and tumultuous events — particularly in the Middle East and North Africa,” he said. ”The idea that Russia, Iran, Libya, Sudan and Turkey…end up forming an alliance in the last days to surround, isolate and attack Israel — that type of alliance has never existed in more than 2,500 years, but its happening now.”

But it is this first nation — Iran — that Rosenberg sees as a major threat to both the United States and Israel. “The biggest danger we face as americans right now is that Washington will miscalculate with regards to Iran — that Washington will wait to long to neutralize the Iranian threat,” he explained.

But, unlike the Christian understanding of the end days, he asserts that Iran’s government is driven by the idea that they need to hasten the second coming of the Twelfth Imam — a messiah of sorts (read more about Shia Islamic eschatology, including this Imam, here). Rosenberg says that Iran‘s leaders believe that annihilating Israel and the United States may help hasten the Imam’s arrival. Watch the CBN report below, for more:

Survivalists Fear Currency Crash

To survive a feared currency crash, some people are going for gold.

Demand for gold and silver has jumped since the 2008 recession. Many fear the fiat currency, one not backed by gold deposits, will eventually collapse, leading to a worthless paper dollar in the United States, akin to the Weimar Republic in Germany after the First World War.

If This Were An Actual Test...

On November 9th, at 2 pm EST, the government will seize the airwaves in America for 3 1/2 minutes to officially test the Emergency Alert System. This is the first time ever that this has been done and the implications of such a test are alarming.

One wonders, why now? Oh boy, I could give you an earful on that one. My gut says this is a display of control and an implied threat. It shows just how fast and completely Obama could seize full control should he decide it is warranted. Any appropriate emergency (real or fabricated) will do.

Only the President has the authority to implement this at the national level and he has assigned that authority to the Director of FEMA.

The test will be conducted jointly by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS). Doesn’t that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy? It makes me tingle like the prelude to a monumental disaster.

So what will this disaster be? Inquiring minds would really love to know.

Look at the various governments around the world who seized the airways in a time of crises. Never turns out well for the people, now does it?

So, the test will take over all radio and television. I wonder if any of this applies to the web? It did in other countries. And I wonder if everyone knows this is going to take place. Warnings of the test seem scarce and low key. So, how many people will panic when the test goes live in the middle of a week day – a business day in America? And why 3 1/2 minutes? Just to let the threat sink in good and hard? This whole exercise smacks of unconstitutionality and brute force.

Aircraft carrier sized asteroid 2005 YU%% could pass between Earth and the moon

NASA scientists will begin tracking the aircraft carrier-sized asteroid next week. It’s slated to pass by our planet on November 8th.

The asteroid named ‘2005 YU55’ measures about 1,300 feet across and will pass within 201,000 miles of Earth. In Perspective, the moon is about 239,000 miles from Earth. Scientists say its orbit does bring it close enough to Earth that it’s a potential hazard, but it’s far enough away that impact has already been ruled out.

The last time a similarly-sized asteroid passed this close to Earth was 1976.

Back in EUSSR

There are more than a few similarities between the newly forged federal Europe and the former Soviet Union.

It is quite ironic that only 30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of Soviet communism, a new tyranny has risen, predicated on the same failed centralist political tactics tried and tested in the old Soviet Union. Just ask Russia how that worked out.

And yet with the recent debt crisis spreading across Europe, the problem with centralism as a model has been illustrated yet again...The financial contagion that resulted from European loan defaults, most notably in the case of Greece, has prompted calls for yet more centralization.

Factions inside the European Commission are discussing proposals to make defaulting states "wards" of the Commission, effectively ending national sovereignty for indebted states. Each "ward" would be assigned a budget officer who would oversee spending in the geographical area under his or her direction.

The parallels between the Soviet Union and the European Union are undeniable.

The Hard-Left OWS Plan

The current crop of street pawns, the banal cattle of Occupy Wall Street movement, are fed, herded, and coldly led by the professional agitators from ACORN, SEIU, and the Communist Party of America.

These hardcore Alinskyites are well-funded and well-organized.

Through a series of set-piece street actions and media events coordinated with the White House, the street cattle's drumbeat attacks on capitalism, property rights, and traditional religious and working class values have successfully dominated the news cycles.

This abomination of Aliskyistes is determined that America should become acclimated daily to the classic Marxist street rhetoric of financial inequality, anti-capitalism, and "lets all hate rich Jews, oh I meant Wall Street bankers."

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