Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Upcoming U.S. Elections: Will They Be Suspended?

As hard as it is to believe, there seems to be some merit to the possibility that an effort to thwart the upcoming elections is quietly underway.

Again, it is worth repeating - it is very very hard to believe that something like this could ever take place in America, but it is most definitely worth watching. Just in case.

'Suspended Election Revolution" Does it Play?

Presented for you now, an exercise in considering the incredible: that Barack Obama, et. conspiratorial al. would plan to suspend elections in an orchestrated national emergency, perhaps a false flag operation blamed on his opposition.

I do not say this will happen, nor am I selling the idea.

Nor am I. It seems to incredible and too outrageous to even consider. However, it is also worth remembering the strange times that we are living in these days, particularly considering the nearness of the hour of the approaching Tribulation. In that context anything is possible and in an effort not to have "head in the sand", it may be worth keeping one eye on this remote possibility.

It isn't like politicians haven't raised the issue:

The point is, this should be scrutinized and in principle when such things are fully sounded out, their probability — that is, the opportunity for them, lessens.

And the objective in this: with an open mind, to gain the situational awareness necessary to keep from being duped by normality bias (what we are accustomed to, what we think we know) and by agitprop.

“Forewarned is forearmed.” If you would embark upon such a war-gaming journey of the mind, we suggest six initial steps, given below.


Make sure you are familiar with North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue’s “joke” that by sober evaluation was not a joke, but a flatly put suggestion called by some a “trial balloon”: that congressional elections should perhaps be suspended.

You can hear the quote in the link contained within the article. There was no joke attempted here,

What a coincidence! Gov. Perdue, it is time to recall, is one of ten appointed by Barack Obama to serve on a very NWO-ish sounding Council of State Governors, arrayed around the country, purposed to handle responses militaristic and otherwise, to national emergencies.

That might seem to be just the kind of council (and remember the Russian word for governing council is “soviet”) that would deal with the suspension of our Constitutional governance and the imposition of something instead which would lay in a spectrum between that and dictatorial, martial law.

We also cannot forget about the newly formed Council of Governors and the role it may play in the future:

Connecting the dots on Obama's Council of Governors

As stated, the idea of any attempt to thwart elections seems too outrageous to even contemplate.

The uprising that such action would create is also impossible to contemplate, regardless of whatever "crisis" was occurring at the time, whether real or contrived.

However, in these last days, all possibilities should be considered and at a minimum, watched closely for further developments.

These are strange days as we approach the Tribulation and it is hard to know just how bizarre and surreal things will become - on this side of the "gathering up" of the Church.

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