Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Headlines for a Day: More Birthpains

Once again, take a step back and look at the number of pertinent stories from around the world:

Earthquake Strikes Japan's Fukushima

The 5.2-magnitude temblor was felt just after 2:00 a.m. local time Wednesday, and was followed later in the day by a second quake of similar strength, 5.3 on the Richter scale, off the Japanese coast about 262 miles (423 kilometers) southwest of Tokyo.The first quake, however, struck uncomfortably close to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant that had been badly damaged in March, when a much stronger earthquake and tsunami devastated the area.

New powerful and dangerous aftershock creates panic - Eastern Turkey

On 17:55 on October 25,2011 , a powerful 5.7 magnitude earthquake struck the already severely damaged Van – Ercis area.

Massive Tsunami Drill Coincides With Continent Killer Asteroids Close Pass In November

It is well known that earthquake activity has increased ever so rapidly over the past few years/months and now multiple countries are interested in tracking tsunamis in an advanced way.

Does this system test have anything to do with the passing of the massive continent killer asteroid 2005 YU55 that will pass very close to earth possibly striking or dragging debris with it on November 9, 2011, in conjunction with the FEMA/FCC takeover drill?

Palestinian negotiator: Israel must agree to our terms, or no peace talks

Palestinians have said they will not return to the talks until Israel stops all settlement activities in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, and recognizes the lines which existed before the Six Day War in 1967 as the borders of the future Palestinian state.

"Our demands are very clear and they will not change for any reason," said Shaath, who is also a leading member in President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement.

Israel's Energy Discovery: Game-Changer?

One of the most remarkable — perhaps game-changing — developments in the Middle East has been the discovery of massive natural gas deposits in the eastern Mediterranean.

This article asks some interesting and prophetic questions:

Is there a realistic possibility that this could lead to conflict between Israel and Turkey?

The strengthening ties between Israel and Cyprus underpinned by mutual interests in the export of natural gas could make the possibility of regional conflict involving Turkey a realistic one

Egypt and Libya, traditional allies within the Arab world, are both undergoing a revolutionary process.

Against this backdrop Cypriot government officials openly invited the Israeli military to play an active role defending Cypriot interests.

Where do you expect to see this situation heading in the period ahead?

Further discoveries of natural gas, and perhaps even oil reservoirs, near Israel and Cyprus could have far-reaching geopolitical implications, including potential instability. History teaches that the discovery of strategic assets in a disputed territory at a time of regional instability and shifting balance of power is a highly explosive formula.


Take a look at this next article and find the many prophetic implications:

Welcome To The Islamist Middle East And It's Not Going To Be Moderate

..the dominant analysis used by the media, academia, and the talking heads on television has proven dangerously wrong. This includes the ideas that revolutionary Islamism doesn’t exist, cannot be talked about, is not a threat, and that extreme radicals are really moderates.

On February 11, or October 23, or November 28, 2011, the Middle East entered a new era. Whether you date it to the fall of Mubarak, the Tunisian election, or the Egyptian election, what do you think is going to happen in the next half-century in the region? This is now — I call it officially — the Era of Revolutionary Islamism.

To summarize, I will merely say:

Egypt, Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.

Six countries or entities listed above have come — or are likely to come — under Islamist rule. Each is different.

They aren’t moderate. They’re just pretending to be. And you who fall for it aren’t Middle East experts, competent policymakers, or serious journalists. You’re just pretending to be.

EU Heads Meet Again As Debt Woes Worsen

European leaders including David Cameron are holding an emergency summit in Brussels today to try to thrash out a deal to solve the eurozone's debt crisis.

This year alone, EU heads of government have met 20 times as countries like Greece, Italy and Spain struggle with huge debt and low growth.

The European Council summit will focus on three main pillars: reducing the amount Greece owes to banks and investors, beefing up the bailout fund and pumping more cash into the banks to give them a cushion of capital.

Swedish Analyst Calls For Nordic Union

Swedish historian and analyst Gunnar Wetterberg has suggested that the Nordic states should create their own European Union-style agreement in case the EU itself fails.

The "Nordic Union" would include Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland.

What's interesting to us is that despite the turmoil in the European Union, with this example and the "Eurasian Union" idea floated by Vladimir Putin, it appears that the concept of a trans-cultural and trans-lingual economic union is far from discredited.

Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement Now Marching Straight into the Globalist Trap

This one below comes straight from none other than George Soros:

It was inevitable that a movement which has struggled to agree on a manifesto, would in the end, do the bidding of the very elite globalist powers that they are demonstrating against to begin with.

Instead of achieving freedom from Central Bank debt enslavement, naive Occupiers appear to have taken the bait, pulling the mob towards endorsing a global taxation system, and one to be administered… by a brand new global government body.

As the Occupy Movement sets its sights on the upcoming G20 Summit in France on November 3-4, its globalist handlers behind the scenes have succeeded in carefully directing its crowds towards the Holy Grail of all socialist super-states - the celebrity supported, trendy “Robin Hood Tax”...the rallying cry for this globalist wet dream is coming directly from the supposed brain-child of the Occupy Movement, the globalist foundation-funded organization, Ad Busters, quietly shepherding its flock towards one of the biggest revenue spinning and control scams ever conceived.

Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialists at OW

This video could also be called "Fantasy Meets Reality".

Below is another video clip worth watching:

Video: Geller Reading the real Qur'an

The article below is definitely worth reading:

Anatomy of an Occupation

Just a few tidbits from this timely piece:

Alienation and the Search for Meaning: People of all ages, but particularly youth, have an inherent need to find meaning.

With spirituality shunned, people look to the secular religion of progressivism to fill the existential void

By fighting against "The Man," capitalism, and America, the radicals believe that they are good people who live lives of value in an otherwise nihilistic world.

They may have a hunger for God, and yet turn away because believers are mocked.

This sense of alienation from God and country compels many people to look to political movements for their raison d'etre . Being leftists offers the lost souls a sense of belonging and identity.

But, again, this secular society has trashed religion and deconstructed history, the realms of which would explain the way life works. Instead, people on the left live in a fantasy world; and they go ballistic on opponents because truth threatens their dreamworld.

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