Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

A World Searching...In All The Wrong Places

It now appears that the demonstrations and protests are increasing around the nation, paralleling what we have been seeing for quite some time in Europe.

Americans Are Protesting

More than 700 arrested in Wall Street protests

Occupy Wall Street: Mass Economic Riots Are Now Here And America WIll Never Be The Same

We've been watching the world-wide economic collapse taking shape like a slow-moving train wreck - a collapse that will affect every human on earth to some degree.

We've been watching the EU crumbling under the weight of their massive debt problems, as foreshadowing of what is to come to America. We see continual failure after failure by the EU to create anything more than very brief, temporary fixes.

We watch as the United States economic problems continue to mount, with no end in sight and no tangible solutions offered by the politicians currently in office. Meanwhile, millions foreclose on their homes as food-stamps become the order of the day.

We see the Middle East just on the brink of exploding, as the war-like rhetoric has taken a dramatic turn to the worst case scenario, while Israel's surrounding enemies have become more and more emboldened. We know the epicenter is just on the brink. Meanwhile, we hear the same old political rhetoric from politicians that we have heard for decades as the stalemate continues, yet the violence continues to increase.

We see world-wide pestilences increasing with antibiotic resistance the story of this generation, as man's once promising efforts to fight infection is now met with failures more often than success.

We see earthquakes ravaging nations such as Japan as the aftermath from epic destruction and radiation fears develop from failing nuclear plants, not to mention the massive tsunami damage. New Zealand is still in recovery mode from their major quakes, as is Haiti, Chile, and Indonesia just to name a few. We also see man's helplessness and inability to intervene as the power of the earth is revealed. Man only appears smaller and more inept in the face of the earth's changes.

We turn on the TV and listen to the news and hear of more violence, more killings, more rape, more murder, gang violence - more bloodshed every day, and also come to terms of the failure of modern society to combat these issues.

We watch the growing persecution taking place around the world - persecution of our brothers and sisters - with helplessness as we can do very little to stop it - exemplified most recently in Iran, as we helplessly watch our brother about to be put to death simply because of his faith in Jesus - yet he stands firm in his faith.

And what are "the nations" trying to do to solve these unsolvable problems?

They seek answers through man and man's government. And to this day - as we watch the various protests, riots, carnage and violence, man continues to seek answers via other humans and through human government.

How has that worked out so far on planet earth?

When will mankind learn?

As we have become more and more technologically advanced, we have deteriorated in every sense. We have deteriorated morally, spiritually, and in every other way imaginable.

We have created weapons of mass destruction. We have created more bloodshed than any other time in history. We have seen more violence than any time in the past. We have more depression, more abortions, more war, more divorce, more homeless, more destruction and more helplessness.

And as man seeks solutions through mankind, we see a world also turning away from God.

What does the Bible tell us?

Man does not have the answers. Man will never have the answers.

The world is seeking solutions to these massive problems through more and more of what has already failed miserably:


Human government.

Humans have never had the answers nor the solutions.

Watching the current state of affairs on this earth is tragic, but almost comical at the same time.

Man continues to seek the answers to these massive problems through the very cause of these problems: Human government.

If it weren't so sad and heartbreaking it would be humorous. One has to wonder what God is thinking as He watches man's feeble efforts to fix these problems without HIm.

The world will continue to deteriorate until Jesus returns to the earth to establish His reign.

It is that simple.

The demonstrations, the riots, the elections, the border wars, the UN, the so-called "leaders" of the nations, the protestors, the pundits, the political operatives, the corporate CEOs etc. No one from this earth will have the solutions. The efforts that we see today are destined for failure. All of them.

Only Jesus.

There will be no solutions without Jesus.

There will be no peace without Jesus.

We who are in Christ know this.

We also know that we are in this world, but we are not of this world.

We have a very different destination that awaits us - and all of the hope and optimism that goes along with that faith.

It is impossible for me to imagine being on this earth - at this moment in time - without such hope. The hope that is offered by a personal relationship with Christ Jesus.

And it gets even better for us. Jesus has made for us an even better plan - a plan that He has given us on multiple occasions with multiple reassurances. A plan that includes His gathering up of His bride: those who have accepted His gift of salvation.

Before this tribulation period begins on the earth - He has promised to deliver His people - and to take His people to His father's house. A place that has been extensively described in the last two chapters of the Holy Bible.

He stated this case clearly many times in many passages, but perhaps most clearly here:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God; trust also in me.

In my Father's house there are many rooms;
if it were not so, I would have told you.

I am going there to prepare a place for you.

And if I go there to prepare a place for you,
I will come back and take you to be with me
that you will also be where I am."

(John 14:1-3)

You see, this is a reference to the "gathering up" of the Church - also known as the Bride of Christ. Also known as the Rapture of the Church. This is not a Second Coming reference. At the time of the Second Coming Jesus will remain on earth to establish His earthly reign for 1,000 years. This scripture clearly identifies that Jesus will be taking His bride to the Father's house.

We know this is entirely consistent with the promise given in 1 Thessalonians 4:16

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven
with a loud command, and with the voice of the archangel
and with the trumpet call of God,
and the dead in Christ will rise first.

And after that, we who are still alive and are left
will be caught up together with them in the clouds
to meet the Lord in the air.

And so we will be with the Lord forever.

Therefore encourage each other with these words."

So what do we do while we watch the world crumble and as we watch the nations seek solutions via mankind and man's government?

We look for Jesus:

The only way to find peace.
The only solution to the world's problems.
Jesus and only Jesus.

And Jesus said to not let our hearts be troubled.

He knew exactly what we would be seeing on earth in these last days.

As the song says

There is no one else for me. None But Jesus

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