Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

In the news:

In Debt Up To Our Eyeballs

Politicians in Europe and in the United States are running around trying to come up with a "plan", but there is no "plan" that is going to fix the current debt-based system. Over the next few years we are going to reap what we have sown.

A great storm is coming, and most Americans are going to be totally unprepared for it.

Not that things are not really, really bad already.

According to Shadow Government Statistics, the "real" rate of unemployment in the United States is creeping up toward 25 percent.

So what is going to happen if a worldwide depression hits?

Things could get very, very interesting over the next few years.

Solid Evidence That Occupy Wall Street Is A Communist Movement

But the truth is that when you take a close look at the "organizers", the literature and the stated goals of this movement, you see socialism and communism everywhere. As our economic system crumbles, an increasing number of Americans are coming out of the woodwork and are proudly declaring that they are socialists or communists. An increasing number of Americans truly believe that the free enterprise system needs to be brought down and that the answer to our problems is to fully embrace socialism and/or communism.

Arabs Riot as Terrorists Are Freed

Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs threw rocks at Israeli soldiers as terrorists were freed at the Betunia checkpoint. The IDF fired stun grenades, tear gas and smoke bombs to disperse the rioters.

Most of the rioters carried Hamas and Islamic Jihad banners and arrived at the checkpoint to welcome approximately 100 terrorists and security prisoners who were among those being allowed to return to their homes in Judea and Samaria.

Israel pardoned and freed 477 terrorists and prisoners early Tuesday in the first phase of the deal in which a total of 1,027 will be released as Gilad Shalit returned home after more than five years in captivity.

11 Terrorists to be released to east Jerusalem

Jerusalem prepared for the release of 11 prisoners to neighborhoods in the eastern part of the city in the first wave of prisoner releases from the Gilad Schalit deal.

The terrorists will be brought to Ofer Prison, located between Ramallah and Givat Ze’ev, early on Tuesday morning. They will be processed and the east Jerusalem residents will be transferred to a Border Police station in east Jerusalem, where some of them will be reunited with their families.

Hamas expects half a million at Gaza rally

Hamas is expecting a turnout of 500,000 people at the rally in Gaza City Tuesday, to welcome home prisoners being exchanged with Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit.

During the rally, released prisoners will sit on a stage at the Al-Katiba square, along with senior Hamas officials. Construction of the stage has already been completed.

Berlin Rail Attacks Fuel Fears of Left-Wing Extremism

The recent discovery of 18 firebombs along railtracks around Berlin has triggered a heated debate on left-wing extremist violence in Germany. For months German officials have been warning about radicalization of the far-left scene, which has seen an uptick in arson attacks.

The "unconventional explosive and incendiary device," as investigators described it, was hidden in a cable duct next to the track bed at rail kilometer 24.6 between the stations of Brieselang and Finkenkrug in Brandenburg, the large eastern German state surrounding Berlin. Last Monday, the device went off at approximately 3:45 a.m., triggering a massive deployment of investigators, fire personnel and bomb disposal squads from the federal police force.

Sixteen of the 18 incendiary devices failed to explode, apparently because the match heads in the ignition mechanism had become damp -- but the incidents nevertheless reignited a heated debate on left-wing violence.

The Revolutionary Communist Party's Little Yellow Book

Four days after the first occupiers arrived on Wall Street in September, the Harvard Crimson student newspaper offered editorial space to a Maoist fringe group called the Revolutionary Communist Party. The article by RCP spokesman Ray Lotta urged replacing the U.S. Constitution with the Constitution of the New Socialist Republic in North America, which has been published as a 91-page book with a yellow cover.

The Socialist Constitution is a disturbing read, breathtaking in the brutality of the totalitarian measures proposed, a trip down the rabbit hole of the twisted American Communist mind. A few salient points from Chairman Bob's Little Yellow Book are outlined below:

When Avakian talks about the "fight," he doesn't mean winning hearts and minds through education, persuasion and protest marches; he means armed struggle and the violent overthrow of the U.S. government with "armed forces and militia."

Anti-capitalist protests enter third day in Europe

Protesters inspired by the "Occupy Wall Street" movement camped out in European cities for a third day on Monday in a campaign that has got the EU and Russia both unexpectedly on the same page.

The protests in 80 countries at the weekend, some of which turned violent, were part of a global campaign emulating the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York and Spain's "Indignants" campaign.

Underwater Volcano Eruption of El Hierro

Spain's Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) confirmed on Tuesday that an underwater eruption has occurred five kilometres off the southern coastline of El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Island.

The IGN says all three of its seismic stations on El Hierro in the Canary Islands have registered a volcanic tremor of low frequency in the south of the island at La Restinga, the southern-most village in the Canaries. The estimated 537 residents of the town were summoned to a local football field on Tuesday afternoon to be briefed on evacuation procedures.

Putin to 'consolidate political system' as Russia's new president

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Monday he is determined to return to the Kremlin to consolidate the foundations of the country’s political system

Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev have backed one another to switch roles after 2012 presidential elections. Medvedev proposed Putin for president at the United Russia congress in late September, saying he was ready to head the government in case of Putin's victory.

Putin shows his cards, keeps Medvedev, boosts United Russia

Few doubted that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would remain Russia's top power-broker in the years to come in any formal capacity he fancied, but making clear the future power configuration on Saturday three months before the official presidential campaign kicks off in December betrays little of his trademark secretive style.

Accepting the presidential nomination offered by the younger partner in the ruling tandem, President Dmitry Medvedev, and offering him in return the post of prime minister in the future government and the top place in the United Russia party ticket for the State Duma elections in December, Putin eliminates the risk of the schism in the Russian ruling elite

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