Gen. James E. Cartwright. Photo by Hyungwon Kang/Reuters
Washington Times: Obama plays favorites, protects loose-lipped generals who leak top secret info
James ‘Hoss’ Cartwright investigation grinds to halt; David Petraeus gets light punishment
Analysts are questioning whether the White House is protecting one of its inner-circle members in a leak investigation, especially given the Obama administration’s demonstrated willingness to prosecute and imprison lower-level government employees for providing classified information to the press.
Retired Marine Corps Gen. James “Hoss” Cartwright was vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and somewhat of a White House fixture as a close military adviser to President Obama.
For over a year, he reportedly has been the target of a Justice Department criminal investigation. He is suspected of leaking to The New York Times highly classified details of a U.S. cyberwarfare program against Iran and its quest for nuclear weapons. Gen. Cartwright played a critical role in the covert action, whose weapon was a cyberworm called Stuxnet and whose code name was “Olympic Games.”
WNU Editor: In view of current U.S. - Iranian nuclear negotiations, this leak investigation being made public is the last thing that the White House wants. In this environment, Gen. Cartwright is incredibly lucky, because if it was anyone else they would be seeing the walls of a cell for years.
More News On The Stalled Investigation of Gen. James E. Cartwright
Leak investigation stalls amid fears of confirming U.S.-Israel operation -- Washington Post
Investigation into General Suspected of Leaking Cyber-sabotage Operation Against Iran Stalls -- HNGN
Probe of leaked US-Israel cyber espionage op stall -- i24
Stuxnet leak probe stalls for fear of confirming US-Israel involvement -- Ars Technica