Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

In the news:

The Middle East:

We can see that both Christians and Jews are under siege in the Middle East.

Egypt's Christians vent fury at army after deadly clashes

Women in Cairo's Coptic hospital wailed for their dead on Monday and Christians accused Egypt's generals of failing to protect them from strict Islamists after 25 people, most of them Coptic demonstrators, were killed in clashes with troops.

Christian activists said the army used armored vehicles to disperse protesters at Maspero, an area around the state television building, after other tactics failed. They described seeing corpses that had been crushed under the vehicles.

Christians under seige in post-revolution Egypt

Now many fear that the power vacuum left after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak is giving Muslim extremists free rein to torch churches and attack Coptic homes in the worst violence against the community in decades.

But shortly after Mubarak's ouster, a series of assaults on Christians brought home a stark reality: The fading of authoritarian rule empowered Islamist fundamentalists, known here as Salafis, who have special resentment for Christians.

They are ultraconservatives, close to Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi interpretation of Islam and more radical than the Brotherhood. They seek to emulate the austerity of Islam's early days and oppose a wide range of practices they view as "un-Islamic"

Iranian Pastor's Fate May Rest With Ayatollah Khamenei

The attorney for Yousef Nadarkhani told CNN Monday that the persecuted Iranian pastor was still alive, though it remained uncertain whether the government would actually carry out his execution.

The decision, said Mohammad Dadkhah, who is representing Nadarkhani in his legal appeal, may ultimately rest with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

The Christian pastor’s fate was to be decided Monday, but Iran’s Supreme Court took the unusual step of asking Khomeini, Iran’s highest religious and political leader, for his input.

Arabs Attack Jews in Karnei Shomron Olive Harvest

The Arabs entered the security zone of the community ostensibly to harvest their olives, under the protection of the IDF, but reportedly used the opportunity instead to attack Karnei Shomron residents.

Yesterday (Sunday) Jewish hikers were also attacked by Palestinians hurling rocks. The Arabs were accompanied by extreme leftists toting cameras to photograph any attempt by Jews to defend themselves or retaliate.

Major Swiss Companies Submit to Islam: Remove Cross-Shaped Swiss Flag from Their Products

Switzerland's leading companies have removed Switzerland's cross-shaped flag from their products for the Islamic market. Swatch, Tissot and Victorinox logos, as iconic of their brand as NIKE"s check or McDonald's golden arches, are voluntarily censored, removed, in a breathtaking act of submission to a radical racist ideology that oppresses and subjugates all non-believers and women.

As for the Saudis demanding (under the sharia) that the cross not be shown in public, the West should respond in kind. No crescents and stars anywhere. Everywhere the sharia is imposed on the West, freedom lovers should respond in kind. Tolerance when applied to evil is a crime.

31 Die Minday in Syria's Continuing Crackdown

Syria's crackdown on protesters across the country is continuing, but opposition activists are beginning to fight back.

At least 31 people died Monday in clashes between protesters and Syrian soldiers. However, among the dead were 17 members of the Syrian army, as well as 14 civilian protesters, according to eyewitnesses quoted by human rights activists.

Most of the deaths took place in the city of Homs, invaded by government forces several weeks ago.

Palestinian FM: Abbas actively lobbying Security Council members to back statehood

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and French President Nicolas Sarkozy will meet in Paris in the coming days to discuss the Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN, a top Palestinian official told AFP on Tuesday.

The trip is aimed at lobbying Colombia and France, who are both on the 15-member UN Security Council.

The Middle East Quartet envoys said Sunday they will invite Israeli and Palestinian representatives for a first round of peace talks in the coming days, in an attempt to restart negotiations that have been stalled since 2008.

Envoys from the Quartet - the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia - met Sunday in Brussels to hash out a strategy as international pressure to reach a peace deal mounts.

Back to Wall Street:

This story is unbelievable and if true represents an incredible descent into complete anarchy:

Breaking: Operation Occupy Wall Streeters - SEIU's Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives

Take a look at the video in this link above.

Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes as part of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

SEIU, a longtime ally of ACORN, has done it before, as ably documented by Big Government’s Liberty Chick.

The home invasions are scheduled to begin Tuesday.

Lerner, a prime architect of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, laid out the Left’s plans to his fellow Marxists at the left-wing Take the American Dream Back conference in Washington, D.C., on October 3, 2011.

These radical leftists who use the brutal, in-your-face, pressure tactics of Saul Alinsky want to destroy America as we know it and will use any means to do it.

The Occupiers' World Awaits

My most heartfelt wish for the mindless minions currently "Occupy[ing] Wall Street" is that someday, hopefully soon, they get to live in a world based upon their dim-witted delusions. Actually, though, if these collectivist cretins are indeed serious, that world is already here.

It's called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (aka communist North Korea). In North Korea, there are no evil corporations or banks to ruin Occupiers' lives, because another pair of collectivist cretins, Kim Il-sung and his creepy son Kim Jung-il, got rid of them long ago.

In fact, along with ridding North Korea of everything other than the glorious state, the Kim Klan has either already met most of the Occupier's nattering demands or simply made them superfluous.

Demands already met:

For demands one (that is not a typo -- there are a lot of demands in demand one), "the restoration of the living wage," North Korea has followed the Occupiers' proposed playbook and ended "Freetrade [sic]" by creating a trade-free society.

Demand two, "a universal single payer healthcare system," was instituted way back in 1948. For more than sixty years now, all of North Korea's lucky citizens have received the same horrendous level of medical treatment.

The Occupiers will be heartened to know that everyone does his or her "fair share" of suffering.

And fear not, dear Occupiers -- because the government is in charge, greedy private insurers cannot take money away from doctors, nurses, and hospitals...because there is no money.

But the biggest benefit is that there are no big pharmaceutical companies to stick it to the average North Korean by producing life-saving drugs (or any drugs, for that matter) and selfishly expecting payment for them.

There is really good news when it comes to demand three, a "[g]uaranteed living wage income regardless of employment." The cost of living (i.e., barely surviving) is real cheap in North Korea, with the average North Korean living (i.e., barely surviving) on one dollar per month. Additionally, there are almost no jobs, so employment is not a concern.

The good news just keeps coming as the benevolent Kims have already met demand four: "free college education." But there are a few strings attached, such as that you do not get to go to the college of your choice, if you get to go at all; that would be up to the state.

Also, sometimes the benevolent North Korean government might decide to send you to a re-education institution instead (maybe for publicly demonstrating, or just because it feels like it). But, on the bright side, there are no student loans to pay off -- only the continued payment of a lifelong servitude to the state.

Demand five is one the Kim Klan has made unnecessary: "begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand." There is no economy in North Korea, so there is no need to fuel it. However, on the bright side, the North Koreans do use an alternative energy -- burning feces -- to heat their homes during the winter.

Demand six is another superfluous petition: "One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now." The Kims have made it so North Korea does not need roads and bridges because no one can afford a car anyway, and an electrical grid is just a wasted expense in a country with barely any electricity.

This article continues with another 7 demands which have been met in N. Korea. Read it: one can see where we are headed.

And finally, we see another article on the Canary Islands:

Subsea Volcanic Eruption Underway Near El Hierro

A submarine volcanic eruption is taking place approximately 5 kilometres off the southern coast of El Hierro, the smallest of The Canary Islands.

Spanish newspaper quoted the Minister of emergencies of the Cabildo of El Hierro, Maria of Carmen Morales, as saying the eruption is taking place because ‘the seismic movement of 4.3 occurred on Saturday afternoon caused a fissure, from where the energy is been released’. Scientists remain unclear if the emissions are gas or lava.

The eruption takes place amidst an unprecedented earthquake swarm in El Hierro. The number of earthquakes recorded since July 17, 2011 on El Hierro has now exceeded 10,000.

Hierro, a shield volcano, has had a single historic eruption from the Volcan de Lomo Negro vent in 1793. The eruption lasted approximately one month and produced lava flows.

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