Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Commentary Worth Reading

This commentary from Canada Free Press is really worth reading and adds some important perspective on current events.

And it matters. It matters because it is becoming more and more apparent that the Marxist demonstrations are being used by those people in power who desire a totalitarian form of government.

We are actively witnessing the transformation of the world into the form it will become during the Tribulation - undoubtedly.

October 15, 2011: The Day Obama's Army occupied the Free World

Welcome to a hostile New World that arrived on society’s doorstep with the dawning of this very day. Over night the Army of Barack Hussein Obama moved in to our cities to occupy some 82 countries, including Canada where it really all began.

The people milling about in public parks in cities now under Occupation look like harmless hippies, but they’re conscripted soldiers for Obama, some on pay better than what is being paid to selfless soldiers of the real army risking life and limb for freedom in countries far from home.

I would change that statement slightly - to say that it is the George Soros army, but that may be splitting hairs.

In the chaos and confusion that has been the trademark of the Obama regime, chills should have run down spines when in July of 2008...called for “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military”.

How without a single shot ringing out to warn the gullible did the populations of some 82 countries wake up to find themselves occupied by Obama’s army this morning?

Blame the cunning of Marxist strategy. Pretend your protesters are saving abused civilians from the big bad banks and greedy corporations; trot out “democracy” as main motivation for clamorous uprisings; repeat the lie that it was “democracy” that returned Egypt to the control of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ironic, too, that the Marxist plan for Global Revolution was actually masterminded on Canadian soil (if we can still consider Vancouver Canadian soil) with American dollars from the Tides Foundation allegedly propping up Adbusters Magazine, whose co-founder can be best described as today’s cult leader of burgeoning disaffected youth.

A perfect recipe for Marxist takeover.

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