Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

The Players....Used and Manipulated

I believe the term Dupe is appropriate here; defined by Webster Dictionary as "one that is easily deceived or cheated".

Occupy Protests Spread Worldwide: Demonstrations Planned in 82 countries

If you want to see a sample of those who are easily manipulated and being used - just take a look at the array of videos contained within this link. The level of ignorance is astonishing:

Occupy Highlights

The sad aspect of these demonstrations is indeed the exposure of the degree of their vast ignorance and their lack of basic facts. More importantly, they have no idea that they are simply being used and manipulated: simple puppets for the hidden puppet masters controlling their every move and even their very thoughts.

They obviously have no idea what the underlying agenda is, but they are very useful to those engaged in this manipulation and ultimately working for those who lurk just behind the scenes.


America's Orwellian Liberalism

The parallels go beyond hurling epithets at that massive Leon Trotsky lookalike in one of 1984's most memorable scenes. Consider the three slogans of the Party applied to today's Orwellian liberalism: "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength."

As applied to today, Orwellian liberalism's increasingly vicious attacks against the Tea Party and Republicans perform the same function, which is to preserve the current liberal power structure by blaming others for its colossal failures.

"Freedom is Slavery" offers a host of villains in civil society to whom the American public is "enslaved" under the guise of being free, though the slogan offers a variant of what Orwell had in mind.

Thus, freedom to choose one's own health care plan or no health care plan at all is slavery

Americans "addicted" to oil driving gas-guzzlers are slaves to Exxon and its partners;

In fact, Orwellian liberalism assumes that citizens' own decisions to live their lives pretty much as they please constitute slavery to someone or another in a so-called "free country," which is why Big Brother in the form of the nanny state is becoming so enormous, so oppressive.

This leaves us with what likely is the most important slogan of Orwellian Liberalism: "Ignorance is Strength," which means in this context that ignorant citizens constitute the foundation of the liberal establishment.

Indeed, there is no way America's Oceania Big Brother equivalent, President Obama, could get away with ludicrous statements about "millionaires and billionaires not paying their fair share" of the income tax without the silent collusion of Americans' stupendous ignorance about such matters.

Similarly, the country's energy shortages could not conceivably exist with an informed citizenry that is aware of how well-connected environmental activists have prevented production in resources where North America dominates, such as coal, natural gas, and shale. Further, the massive propaganda campaign centering on anthropogenic global warming could not possibly succeed with an attentive public.

In short, "Ignorance is Strength" for Orwellian liberals; pierce it, and the whole century-old liberal-progressive project collapses in a heap of prevarications and pretense.

If this happens, liberals' presumption to govern on the basis of the other two slogans, as well as a thick vocabulary of Orwellian doublespeak, will collapse as well. The question is whether this situation can endure indefinitely, as it did in 1984. The answer depends on Americans' determination to reclaim control of their government. Absent that, we had all better learn to love Big Brother.

More Anti-Semitism at Occupy Los Angeles

While there have been intense arguments in the media recently about hints of anti-Semitism which have erupted at New York’s Occupy Wall Street protest, very little attention has been paid to similar problems cropping up at other “Occupy” events around the country.

Below you will find some photographs and a video taken at the Occupy Los Angeles encampment which reveal how there is a growing encroachment of anti-Semitic “Jewish bankers” conspiracy theories becoming more and more evident at these events.

Obviously not everyone at the “Occupy” protests is an anti-Semite, but the fact that these statements and views fit so neatly into the whole anti-banker milieu, and often go completely unchallenged by fellow protesters, should give everyone cause for concern about where this whole movement is heading.

This anti-Jewish sentiment is an alarming development in these protests, but unfortunately, shouldn't be too surprising.

How about some good news?

The Rapture and the Jewish Wedding Model

Jewish Wedding Traditions and the Rapture

In the midst of this turmoil that is engulfing the world, we have to remember that we are called to be looking up.

Looking up for what?

The Bridegroom who is on the way.

After all, we have a wedding to attend. This mess, otherwise known as Planet Earth is beyond repair. Only Jesus will restore this planet to the state that it was intended to be.

But before He comes to do that, He will come and take His bride away.

We also have instructions as we wait in the midst of this crumbling world:

" wait for his Son from Heaven, whom he raised from the dead - Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath."
(1 Thessalonians 1:10)

"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on earth."
(Revelation 3:10)

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
(Luke 21:28)

And Jesus Himself gave us the wedding picture in specific detail right here:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled.

Trust in God, trust also in me.

In my Father's house there are many rooms;
if it were not so I would have told you

I am going there to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come back and take you to be with me
that you also may be where I am."

(John 14:1-3)

The Bridegroom has given us a promise.

He will come back, and that coming appears to be very very soon.


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