Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

More on the Wall Street Occupation

This story is becoming more and more interesting as the mob mentality has taken over, and it is looking more and more like a marxist mob revolt.

That isn't to say that there are plenty of legitimate complaints that can be made about how "Wall Street" benefitted from the TARP money, inappropriately - but the protesters are grossly misguided and being used as tools for a much deeper much more ominous plot.

Capitalist Tool

"Occupy Wall Street" began as a left-wing protest, something about as exceptional as a pigeon in New York. It didn't become a "narrative" until the narrators made it into one. Who are those narrators? They work for companies like Disney, CBS Corp., Comcast Corp. and General Electric Co. (co-owners of NBC), Time Warner, News Corp. (our employer), the New York Times Co., the Washington Post Co., the Tribune Co., Thomson Reuters Corp. and Bloomberg LP.

These corporations make their profits (or attempt to) by pushing narratives--by selling stories. Sometimes their narratives are as preposterous as Jesse LaGreca's. An example is yesterday's New York Times editorial that begins: "As the Occupy Wall Street protests spread from Lower Manhattan to Washington and other cities, the chattering classes keep complaining that the marchers lack a clear message and specific policy prescriptions."

The disdainful reference to "the chattering classes" is just priceless. To which class, pray tell, do New York Times editorialists belong? Though come to think of it, at least the anonymous hack who wrote that editorial got paid for his effort. That makes his claim to working-class status stronger than LaGreca's.

Then reflecting on the bizarre rally held in Atlanta we see this:

The Tea Party, for example, saw nothing like the bizarre scene at Occupy Atlanta, in which a Krugman platoon refuses to let Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights hero, speak.

It's something to watch. A gaunt, bearded middle-aged man conducts the meeting, with audience members repeating everything he says even though, unlike his counterparts in New York, he is speaking through a bull horn.

"I personally would like to acknowledge the invaluable work that Congressman John Lewis has dedicated his life to," says a younger gaunt, bearded man, as the audience repeats his every word in unison and people around him flutter their hands in approval.

"However," the young man continues, "the point of this general assembly is to kick-start a democratic process in which no singular human being is inherently more valuable than any other human being." A confused Lewis nods sadly.

For want of a "consensus," the young gaunt man prevails. Lewis is not allowed to speak, and he droops away.

If these people were stripped of the order imposed by the society they are rebelling against--if they were on a deserted island rather than in a public park in an affluent city with a strong police presence--surely it would not take long to degenerate into "Lord of the Flies." Krugman would be Piggy.


Exposed: Written by an Anarchist, Anti-Capitalism Group "Occupied Wall Street Journal" Is Funded By George Soros, The Tides Foundation, Code Pink and Michael Moore

Isn't it interesting that the failed policies of a Democratic White House and Senate, not to mention a supermajority in both the House and Senate for two years, which has led to a massive financial collapse and quite possibly another great depression - has now turned into a narrative which points the finger at a nebulous "Wall Street" and corporations rather than where the real blame lies?

Food for thought.

Rather than accepting the blame, we see certain politicians who are largely responsible for this nation's financial collapse urging this continuing class warfare and deflecting the blame away from their failed policies onto corporations and "Wall Street".

The nation is in the midst of collapse and politicians continue to play games hoping for their reelection and continued power.

Meanwhile the problems remain unsolved and the chances for resolution grow dimmer by the day.

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