Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

In 'Other' News From Around The World:

That is, in addition to this mysterious and bizarre "Iranian Plot" that we have been following (below):

USGS Reports Record Number Of Strong Earthquakes In 2011

By analysing data from the US Geological Survey (USGS), IWO was able to determine that earthquake activity (6.0-9.9 magnitude) during the period 01 January to 12 October 2011 reached its highest level in 20 years. The 2011 data was compared with data for the corresponding period in each of the 19 previous years since 1992.

M 6.1 quake hits Bali

Early reports indicate as many as 50 people have been injured in Bali around 115km from the hypocenter from this moderate shallow-depth earthquake. Moderate damage to shops as well as falling debris has caused cars and other shop fronts to be damaged.

Harsh Irish winter en route - "little ice age" predicted

Ireland could be facing into decades of harsh winters, according to new research about to be published in Nature magazine.

Icy Comet Elenin Closely Approaches Earth Next Week: Is Naked Eye Visibility Possible?

Icy Comet Elenin will make its closest approach to Earth next week and should enter naked eye visibility (magnitude +6) when it comes within 22 million miles of the planet on Oct. 16, according to reports.

N Korea Moves Arms Closer to Border

North Korea has recently moved fighter jets near the Northern Limit Line, the de facto maritime border, and ground-to-air missiles close to Baeknyeong Island. There is speculation that it plans a minor provocation while South Korean

"The North Korean military was seen moving mobile missile launchers at a ground-to-ship missile base near the NLL," a government source said. "There's likelihood that the North will launch a military provocation"

Smuggled Libyan weapons flood into Egypt

Large caches of weapons from Libya are making their way across the Egyptian border and flooding black markets in Egypt’s already unstable Sinai Peninsula, according to current and former Egyptian military officials and arms traders in the Sinai.

Egyptian security officials have intercepted surface-to-air missiles, most of them shoulder-launched, on the road to Sinai and in the smuggling tunnels connecting Egypt to the Gaza Strip since Moammar Gaddafi fell from power in Libya in August, a military official in Cairo said. Arms traders said the weapons available on Sinai’s clandestine market include rockets and antiaircraft guns.

The seizures raise fresh concerns about security along the sensitive area that borders the Gaza Strip and Israel, at a time when unrest is roiling the region. The addition of shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles to arsenals of Palestinian fighters in Gaza could add significantly to the threat against Israel, whose helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft frequently patrol the strip, which is controlled by the militant Islamist group Hamas.

The "birthpains" are occurring so rapidly now, it is beginning to be difficult to see when one begins and when the next one begins - a characteristic of the very last stages of labor.

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