Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Mideast Quartet to Meet Sunday

Personally, I don't think this means a lot, as the whole concept of the Quartet has become a standing joke, but here it is:

Mideast Quartet to Meet Sunday

Envoys from the Middle East Quartet -- the European Union, Russia, the United Nations and the United States -- will meet in Brussels on Sunday in hopes of restarting moribund peace-talks between officials in Jeruslaem and Ramallah, Reuters reports.

Direct talks have been stalled for two years despite a 10-month building freeze in 'disputed territories' captured by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War by Israel that had been intended to bring PA officials back to the negotiating table.

Israel has accepted a Quartet proposal for resumed talks without preconditions, but officials in Ramallah have rejected the proposal saying it is "too vague to be useful" and did not include their own preconditions for talks.

Israeli officials say PA demands for another building freeze, when they ignored the last one, is a fair accompli to maintain their unilateral course while blaming Israel for failed talks.

In some other news coming from the region - also in the category of "what could this mean?" we see this story:

Report: Syrian Unrest Spilling into Lebanon

Syrian tanks entered the Bekaa border region of Arsal in on Tuesday and fired in the direction of an abandoned factory, Lebanon's National News Agency reported.

The agency said the tanks fired at a batteries factory in the area, thinking that armed men were hidden within the facilities.

Sources told The Daily Star the Syrian Army has made repeated hit-and-run incursions into Lebanon’s territory over the past three days.

Syria has massed thousands of troops along its border with northern Lebanon in recent weeks raising fears in Beirut the move may be a prelude to the first incursion since Syrian forces pulled out three years ago.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, who has put Hizbullah on notice over its refusal to disarm and disband its militias, said Monday that Assad's allies in Lebanon are getting nervous.

“Allies of the Syrian regime in Lebanon are in a state of nervousness to the point where they are now asking for dialogue,” Geagea said during a call with the annual conference of the LF party in North America.

“Syria’s allies feel that the regime is going to fall so they are trying to take all possible measures to protect themselves in case this happens. Consequently, everyone in Lebanon today is monitoring the events"

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