This article gives the best and most reasonable perspective seen to date:
Out Of The Ashes Of The Collapse Of The Eurozone Will A "United States Of Europe" Arise?
All over Europe, headlines are declaring that the eurozone is on the verge of collapse. Many people falsely assume that this will mean the end of the euro and a return to national currencies. Unfortunately, that is not going to be the case at all.
Instead, this is going to be yet another example of how the elite attempt to bring order out of chaos. The European elite have no intention on giving up on a united Europe. Rather, they hope to be able to bring to life a new "United States of Europe" out of the ashes of the existing eurozone.
This is an interesting scenario that has been listed as one of the possibilities as we watch the "big crisis = big change" situation that the EU is facing. The predictions listed below seem highly possible, if not highly likely:
Over the coming months we will see widespread panic and fear all across Europe. The euro will likely sink like a rock and there will probably be huge financial problems in Europe and all around the globe.
But for the European elite, a great crisis like this represents a golden opportunity to tear down the existing structures and build new ones.
The solution that the European elite will be pushing will not be to go back to the way that Europe used to be. Instead, they will be pushing the idea of a much more tightly integrated Europe really hard.
This scenario would be highly consistent with biblical prophecy as well.
Of course it will not be called "the United States of Europe", but that is definitely what they have in mind.
But they know that the people of Europe will never go for this solution unless they feel enough fear and pain first.
Right now, the stage is being set for the coming financial crisis in Europe. All over the EU, media outlets are priming Europeans to expect the worst. For example, the following comes from an article in the Telegraph....
The collapse of the eurozone would cause a crash that would instantly wipe out half of the value of Europe’s economy, plunging the continent into a depression as deep as the 1930s slump, the president of the European Commission has warned.
If you can believe it, many among the European elite may actually be looking forward to the collapse of the current eurozone structure.
Well, it will give them the opportunity to implement something new.
Exactly. "Big crisis = big change" every time. You can count on it.
A financial crisis is only temporary, but many among the European elite believe that they can build a "new Europe" which will last for ages.
News outlets all over Europe are already reporting on rumors that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have been "secretly plotting" to create a "new eurozone" that will exclude some of the weaker nations such as Greece and Italy.
For instance, the following is from an article that just came out in the Telegraph....
France is drawing up plans to create a breakaway organisation of eurozone countries with its own treaty, parliament and headquarters – a move that could significantly undermine the existing European Union.
Now the article moves towards the bottom-line:
But what is not being said in these articles is that Germany and France have no intention of leaving anyone out in the long run. They just want some of the weaker countries to be afraid of being "left out" of the "new club" so that they will agree to a much more tightly integrated Europe and to all of the new rules that Germany and France plan to impose.
Mark my words. Financially weaker countries such as Italy and Greece will eventually join the new "economic bloc" that Germany and France are setting up.
But before any of this happens, a lot of these debt problems in Europe are going to be allowed to play out, the euro is probably going to sink like a rock, and chaos is going to be allowed to reign all over the continent for a short period of time.
But instead of going back to national currencies, the elite of Europe are convinced that it is time for a "United States of Europe" that will be much, much more tightly integrated.
An article in the Guardian recently quoted Angela Merkel as saying that the solution to the problems that Europe is facing is going to "mean more Europe, not less Europe"....
We're already beginning to see how this will evolve:
To facilitate this process, new politicians are being put into place all over Europe that will be sympathetic to the "united Europe" agenda of the European elite.
In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi is out, and it looks like he will be replaced by economist Mario Monti.
Monti studied at Yale, he is a member of the European Commission, he is the chairman of the Trilateral Commission in Europe and he is also a member of the Bilderberg Group.
In Greece, George Papandreou is out, and Lucas Papademos has been put into power.
Papademos taught at Harvard, and he previously served as governor of the Greek central bank, as a vice president of the European Central Bank and as a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He is also a member of the Trilateral Commission.
It is funny how people from these same elitist organizations always seem to pop up in positions of power, isn't it?
With men like these in position, it will be much easier for the European elite to get the rest of the continent to make the transition to the "new Europe".
And this:
But what will a "new Europe" look like? Well, a Daily Mail article from a while back entitled "Rise of the Fourth Reich, how Germany is using the financial crisis to conquer Europe" contained the following sobering assessment of what much deeper economic integration for Europe would mean....
This would entail a loss of sovereignty not seen in those countries since many were under the jackboot of the Third Reich 70 years ago.
For be in no doubt what fiscal union means: it is one economic policy, one taxation system, one social security system, one debt, one economy, one finance minister. And all of the above would be German.
And below we see another prediction that seems highly likely, especially when viewed through the lens of prophecy. Just look at the last sentence:
That doesn't sound good.
But that is what the elite always want.
They always want more power and more control.
Right now, the people of Europe are not ready to go along with the whole "new Europe" thing.
So that means that there is going to have to be a lot of chaos, pain and fear first.
A financial collapse is most definitely coming to Europe.
It is going to be tremendously unpleasant.
But after it is over, the European elite are hoping that they will finally have what they have always wanted - a "new Europe" that is more tightly integrated than it has been at any point since the fall of the Roman Empire.
Exactly as we would predict after reading the prophetic scriptures Daniel 2 and 7.
The EU is most definitely evolving rapidly right now as this crisis deepens. And in our generation, we've learned that such developments usually mean more central power and control by the government; we should expect nothing less from the EU.
We are literally watching biblical prophecy unfold before our eyes - we have front row seats as this plays out.
Also see:
Super Globalist to Replace Italy's Berlusconi
Surrounding the New Fix for Greece
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