Selasa, 29 November 2011

Satellite Images Show Iranian Missile Base Destroyed

It looks like the damage inflicted two weeks ago on the Iranian nuclear facility was much more extensive that originally thought:

Iranian Missile Base Destroyed

A Washington-based research group has released satellite images showing extensive damage to an Iranian nuclear site two weeks after a mysterious explosion destroyed the facility.

The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), which specializes in the study of nuclear weapons programs, released images of the compound following the November 12 explosion near the city of Malard.

The photographs clearly reveal that most of the buildings have been completely destroyed. Of course, some of the destruction may have resulted from subsequent controlled demolition of buildings and removal of debris, but because about the same number of trucks are visible in the image after the blast as in an image prior to the blast, it is likely that most of the damage resulted from the explosion.

Meanwhile, Iranian authorities have characterized the incident as an “accident,” involving the transport of ammunition. Continued use of this explanation, however, forces Iran into a predicament, given the increased number of recent industrial incidents the nation has suffered.

In particular, Iran likely does not want to appear vulnerable at a time when Israeli leaders have been debating military intervention over Iran’s controversial nuclear program. But accident or not, the ISIS Photos leave no doubt that the facility has been effectively destroyed.

Brannan also added that ISIS had recently learned from “knowledgeable officials” that the blast occurred just as Iran had achieved a “milestone” in the development of a new missile, and may have been performing a “volatile procedure involving a missile engine at the site.”

Suspicions that covert actions may be responsible for this and other explosions continue to mount despite official denials by the Iranian regime.

This is interesting for several reasons - first and foremost is the fact that it is becoming more and more obvious that this was no accident. Secondly, it may reveal new Israeli methods for the near-term future, as we have now had a second such explosion at an Iranian nuclear facility. Third, it is interesting to observe Iran's reaction and denials that this was an 'outside' attack.

The questions now become - will these attacks continue, and if they do, how will Iran respond?

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