Minggu, 20 November 2011

Sunday News: Russia Enters Into The Middle East Conflict

We know that Russia has been working behind the scenes, through Iran and Turkey and their shipments of arms which ultimately make their way into Gaza and Lebanon and other terrorist groups sworn to destroy Israel. Recently their efforts are becoming more and more overt:

Report: Russia warships to enter Syria waters in bid to stem foreign intervention

Russian warships are due to arrive at Syrian territorial waters, a Syrian news agency said on Thursday, indicating that the move represented a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country's civil unrest.

The move comes as clashes escalated in Syria and after Russia and China used their veto in October to block a Security Council resolution that would have condemned the Syrian government of President Bashir for the violence.

Russian Warships Entering Syrian Waters to Inhibit Foreign Invasion as Opposition Calls For No-Fly Zone

In what represents the most confrontation between the West and Russia over the issue of Syrian intervention to date, Haaretz reports that a Syrian news agency said that Russian warships are due to arrive in Syrian territorial waters.

Haaretz characterizes this move as “a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country’s civil unrest,” and indeed it is a clear message that comes with threat of military repercussions.

Previously Russia has made it clear that they will not support yet another Western intervention in Syria but with the Arab League suspending Syria this week over their crackdown on armed opposition protesters, the stakes are getting higher by the day.

To make the already tense situation astoundingly worse, the former Syrian colonel and current leader of the Free Syrian army is calling for international intervention in no uncertain terms whatsoever.

Yet Mohammad Riad Shaqfa, the exiled leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood said that, “If other interventions are required, such as air protection, because of the regime’s intransigence, then the people will accept Turkish intervention. They do not want Western intervention.”

Either Shaqfa is out of the loop or “all assistance” means “only Turkey.” I tend towards speculating that Shaqfa is just attempting to make foreign intervention more palatable, when in reality Turkey invading would mean Western nations taking part as well.

We need to recall Assad's warnings. He stated that any outside intervention would result in Syria attacking Israel; this threat wasn't limited to "western" intervention. Just something to keep in mind.

As I have pointed out countless times now, all of the signs are pointing to a Libya-type scenario unfolding in Syria and all I can say is that I truly hope that I am wrong about this.

However, the Syrian government has already decried the United States’ “blatant interference” in the uprising there, and the reality of American interference is hardly arguable at this point.

Prominent U.S. politicians like John McCain, who just happens to be the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, have openly called for foreign intervention in Syria.

The Russians are quite aware of this fact, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made this quite clear in talks with French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe in early September.

Lavrov pointed out that the Syrian opposition’s outright refusal to hold talks with the government clearly indicates that they are seeking international backing in the vein of what the Libyan rebels received.

Lavrov further emphasized the fact that international support could well lead to “new bloodshed” in Syria.
The Syrian opposition has also established a proto-government of sorts, straight out of the Western-backed Libyan playbook.

Yet, unlike Libya, Russia has pledged their support to the Assad government and they are actually backing it up with military firepower.

Also see:

Russian warships to patrol Syrian waters, deterring intervention

Iran flies Palestinian terrorists to Syria for raids into Israel

Under cover of a four-day military exercise starting Friday, Iranian and counter-terror sources to be transferring Palestinian terrorist units into Syria after training them at IRGC Al Qods facilities for cross-border raids into the West Bank and Israel.

Sunday, Nov. 20, Syrian ruler Bashar Assad issued his routine warning of a "Middle East earthquake" if attacked.

May 10, shortly after the Syrian uprising erupted, Bashar Assad's cousin Rami Makhlouf, a tycoon who controls 60 percent of the national economy, issued this warning: "Without stability in Syria, there will be no stability in Israel."

In the intervening months, 300 "volunteers" were recruited in Syrian Palestinian refugee camps and transferred to Iran for courses in guerilla combat against strategic and urban targets. They were trained at al Qods elite unit facilities, some at their marine base.

Damascus and Tehran appear to have decided this was the moment to make good on the threat.

Egyptian Police and Protesters Clash Injuring Hundreds Just Days Before First Elections Post-Murbarak

Egyptian riot police firing tear gas and rubber bullets stormed into Cairo’s Tahrir Square Saturday to dismantle a protest tent camp, setting off clashes that killed one protester, injured hundreds and raised tensions days before the first elections since Hosni Mubarak’s ouster.

The scenes of protesters fighting with black-clad police forces were reminiscent of the 18-day uprising that forced an end to Mubarak’s rule in February. Hundreds of protesters fought back, hurling stones and setting an armored police vehicle ablaze.

The violence raised fears of new unrest surrounding the parliamentary elections that are due to begin on Nov. 28. Public anger has risen over the slow pace of reforms and apparent attempts by Egypt’s ruling generals to retain power over a future civilian government.

And sure enough, we see the Muslim Brotherhood behind this:

A day earlier, tens of thousands of Islamists and young activists had massed in Tahrir Square to protest Egypt’s ruling military council, which took control of the country after Mubarak’s ouster and has been harshly criticized for its oversight of the bumpy transition period.

Friday’s crowd, the largest in months, was mobilized by the Muslim Brotherhood and focused its anger on a document drafted by the military that spells out guiding principles for a new constitution.

Merkel, Cameron struggle to stress unity on Europe

Cameron renewed his appeal for all eurozone institutions to do their utmost to rescue the common currency, in response to a question about his call for the ECB to be used as a "big bazooka" for the euro.

"As we agreed at the G20, all the institutions of the eurozone have to stand behind and back the currency and do what's necessary to defend it -- that is what needs to happen," Cameron told a joint press conference.

Germans Try To Kill Off Pound

In a chilling threat to UK sovereignty, German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble predicted that all Europe would one day use the single currency. “It will happen perhaps faster than some in the British Isles currently believe,” he said.

His sinister warning followed the emergence of a secret German plan to build a powerful new economic government for the eurozone and block an EU referendum in Britain.

A leaked German foreign ministry memo detailed plans for a new European Monetary Fund. It also claimed the EU’s treaty could be altered to centralise more power without triggering a vote.

Last night British opponents of the EU were horrified by the bellicose threat to Britain’s economic independence.

In his astonishing outburst yesterday, he insisted he “respected” Britain’s decision to remain outside the euro. But he claimed that the UK would ultimately not be able to resist the tide of history.

His warning came amid a furious outpouring of anti-British sentiment in Berlin. Top-selling newspaper Bild asked: “What is England still doing in the EU?” while another paper branded Britain “the sick empire”.

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