Selasa, 22 November 2011

In the news:

By category today; there are a lot of pertinent stories:

1. Syria

Turkey ups pressure on Assad, calls for regime change

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday called on Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down in order to stop further bloodshed, and Turkish President Abdullah Gul said that neighboring Syria has reached a dead end. Gul added that change is inevitable, but everything must be done to prevent the country from descending into civil war.

Erdogan to Assad: 'Your Days Are Numbered'

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Monday that his days as a leader were numbered.

"You can remain in power with tanks and cannons only up to a certain point. The day will come when you'll also leave," Erdogan said.

Erdogan appeared to be responding to comments made by Assad in an interview published in London's Sunday Times in which he vowed "to fight and die for Syria" if faced with foreign intervention.

"This goes without saying and is an absolute," Assad told the Sunday Times.

Syria tensions mount with attack on pilgrims, PM lashes out at Assad

Tensions with neighboring Syria, once a close ally of Turkey, took a new turn on Monday as the Foreign Ministry announced that buses carrying Turkish pilgrims back to Turkey had come under attack in Syria and two were wounded.

Last week Turkey delivered a formal protest to Syria and evacuated its diplomatic personnel after supporters of President Bashar al-Assad attacked Turkish diplomatic missions. The attack on the pilgrims, on the other hand, was the first of its kind as it was carried out by Syrian soldiers, according to the accounts of the buses' passengers.

Passengers disembarking in Cizre, near the Syrian border, said they had been told to disembark at a checkpoint near the city of Homs by uniformed Syrian soldiers. One passenger said the soldiers started firing randomly at the pilgrims as they ran away after getting off the bus.

One of the drivers of the three buses and a pilgrim were injured in the armed attack.

“We had stopped at a checkpoint,” Sürmeli told the Associated Press. “Syrian soldiers emerged from behind sandbags and cursed Recep Tayyip Erdoğan when we told them we were Turks. Then they suddenly opened fire on the bus.” “They were hidden in their hideouts. ... These were soldiers, these were not civilians.

2. Iran

Iran Begs Israel to Attack and Be Buried

A top Iranian Guards commander has begged Israel to stage an attack so Iran will be justified to throw the “enemy’ into the “trash can of history.”

Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force Commander Brigadier General Ali Hajizadeh told the Iranian Fars News Agency, "One of our big wishes is that they take this action because it is now a long time that we have piled up a huge potential energy and we are eager to spend it and throw the enemies of Islam and Muslims to the trash can of the history."

Iranian Nuke Attack on US Easy as EMP

Pentagon estimates show that Iran could have missiles capable of reaching the East Coast of the United States by the year 2015.

If the Iranians acquire a nuclear bomb, they might be able to cripple their "Great Satan" even sooner through an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack off America's coastline.

A nuclear weapon detonated above the U.S. would emit powerful electromagnetic pulses, frying America's electrical grid and shutting down necessities from cars to computers to airplanes and refrigerators.

Iranian military handbooks point out the benefits of such an attack. Russia, China, and North Korea also possess EMP technology.

Russia warns West against 'unacceptable' sanctions on Iran

Russia on Tuesday dismissed the new Western sanctions targeting Iran's financial and energy sectors as "unacceptable," warning that such measures would hurt the chances of renewing talks with Tehran over its nuclear program.

3. More Information on EMP attacks

When the lights go out

An electromagnetic pulse is a burst of electromagnetic radiation from a nuclear weapon. If the weapon is detonated high in the atmosphere, above a target area, it can produce a radioactive pulse across a huge area. The effect could knock out electricity and fry sensitive computer processors, even a total blackout that could last months.

Some Americans fear Iran could get a lone nuclear missile onto a boat in the Gulf of Mexico, and detonate it over the central U.S.

Electromagnetic pulse attack

4. Egypt

Egyptian Cabinet Resigns Amid Renewed Unrest

Egypt's state television reported the entire Cabinet submitted its resignation to the caretaker junta currently ruling the country

The Cabinet said it will stay on to run the nation's day-to-day affairs until a decision about their replacements

The resignation of the Cabinet on Monday came amid widening protests against the ruling military council, during which at least 24 protesters have been killed and 1,500 injured in the past three days.

The generals have also been widely accused of making a power grab in recent weeks for moving to stack the committee tasked with drafting Egypt's new constitution with delegates of their own choosing. They have also said they will not submit the military budget to civilian authorities for approval.

Protesters are demanding the military quickly announce a date for the handover of power to a civilian government.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to enter dialogue with military government

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood group said on Tuesday that it will take part in a political dialogue meeting, which the military rulers called for to end the current unrest in the country.

5. Japan's nuclear crisis

Fukushima: "Chine Syndrome Is Inevitable", "Huge Steam Explosions", "Massive Hydrovolcanic Explosion", "Nuclear Bomb-Type Explosion" May Occur

At present, I believe that there is a possibility that massive amounts of radioactive materials will be released into the environment again.

At the No. 1 reactor, there’s a chance that melted fuel has burned through the bottom of the pressure vessel, the containment vessel and the floor of the reactor building, and has sunk into the ground. From there, radioactive materials may be seeping into the ocean and groundwater.

We are now head to head with a situation that mankind has never faced before.

And nuclear expert Paul Gunter says that we face a “China Syndrome”, where the fuel from the reactor cores at Fukushima have melted through the container vessels, into the ground, and are hitting groundwater and creating highly-radioactive steam:

And the architect who actually designed Fukushima Reactor No. 3 – Uehara Haruo, former president of Saga University – told popular Japanese news source Live Door on November 17th that (translation courtesy of Fukushima Diary):

In this interview, [Haruo] admitted Tepco’s explanation does not make sense, and that the China syndrome is inevitable.

He stated that considering 8 months have passed since [the March 11th earthquake] without any improvement, it is inevitable that melted fuel went out of the container vessel and sank underground, which is called China syndrome.

He added, if fuel has reaches a underground water vein, it will cause contamination of underground water, soil contamination and sea contamination. Moreover, if the underground water vein keeps being heated for long time, a massive hydrovolcanic explosion will be caused.

6. The EU

Bilderberg Leader Mario Monti Takes Over Italy in "Coup"

Italy’s new Prime Minister Mario Monti (with wife at left), who rose to power in what critics called a “coup d’etat,” is a prominent member of the world elite in the truest sense of the term. In fact, he is a leader in at least two of the most influential cabals in existence today: the secretive Bilderberg Group and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.

Nicknamed “Super Mario,” Monti is also an “international advisor” to the infamous Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful financial firms in the world. Critics refer to the giant bank as the “Vampire Squid” after a journalist famously used the term in a hit piece. But its tentacles truly do reach into the highest levels of governments worldwide.

Following the Italian government’s descent into the economic abyss that saw bond yields soar to record highs as the euro-zone began to come apart at the seams, ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi decided to step down. And late last week, President Giorgio Napolitano asked Monti to form a new government.

On November 16, the new Prime Minister — who will also serve as Italy’s “Economy Minister” — announced that he was appointing an array of bankers, technocrats, and lawyers to lead the emerging government. After unveiling proposed reforms later this week Monti and his unelected team will face Parliament in a confidence vote.

Some of the nation’s political parties have already said they support the new leadership. But others, including loyal members of Berlusconi’s party, complained of a “coup d’etat” engineered by bankers and the European Union.

This development in Italy reveals an ominous trend in the world:

Listed as a member of the “steering committee” on the official Bilderberg website, critics say Monti has “establishment” written all over him. The shadowy group he helps lead includes a roster of the world’s real power brokers — media magnates, royalty, military leaders, big bankers, heads of state and government, key CEOs, and more.

The elite members gather once a year in total secrecy, sparking innumerable theories and widespread concern. In 2011 the group met in Switzerland and attracted more scrutiny than in the past.

But despite the attendance of influential reporters, editors, and media power houses, very little of substance was publicly revealed. It is known, however, that Bilderberg played a crucial role in erecting the increasingly powerful supranational regime in Brussels.

7. The U.S. (NAU?)

Canada-U.S. security deal to be unveiled in December

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama are poised to unveil their long-promised border security agreement in Washington in early December.

The deal comes after lengthy behind-the-scenes negotiations involving a new plan that will see both governments co-operate and share more information as they adopt a "perimeter security" approach to the border.

Super Committee Not So Super...As Planned

When the 12 member super committee was dreamed up by Obama and his freakish liberal zombies in Washington, there was no intention for the “bi-partisan” group to pull off the spending cuts that they were tasked with figuring out. The triggers were supposedly put into place to encourage them to do their job, but in reality failure is exactly what the liberal democrats wanted.

The trigger gives them a chance to gut the military, and cut programs like medicare. . . for the soul purpose of blaming the republicans and touting their belief that we dearly need ObamaCare.

After two months of talks, all the members of the panel has managed to do is get on television talk shows, and blame each other for the failure.

What did you expect? They’re politicians!

The triggers include nearly $500 billion in defense cuts (The Pentagon is the bulls eye), and an equal amount of domestic dollars.

Did you notice that no cuts on entitlement programs have been suggested? Isn’t that where the hard choices should have begun?

They won’t make the cuts necessary to get America back on track because that would mean they would have to abide by the limiting principles of the U.S. Constitution, and God knows they won’t dare bring themselves to do something like that. Abiding by the Constitution, after all, would reduce their power - something political elitists can never bring themselves to do.

TSA Agents Think They Are Above The Law

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