Sabtu, 19 November 2011

In the news:

"Cyber terrorism" may have finally arrived:

Foreign hackers targeted U.S. water plant in apparent malicious cyber attack

Foreign hackers caused a pump at an Illinois water plant to fail last week, according to a preliminary state report. Experts said the cyber-attack, if confirmed, would be the first known to have damaged one of the systems that supply Americans with water, electricity and other essentials of modern life.

Companies and government agencies that rely on the Internet have for years been routine targets of hackers, but most incidents have resulted from attempts to steal information or interrupt the functioning of Web sites. The incident in Springfield, Ill., would mark a departure because it apparently caused physical destruction.

The report blamed the damage on the actions of somebody using a computer registered to an Internet address in Russia. “It is believed that hackers had acquired unauthorized access to the software company’s database” and used this information to penetrate the control system for the water pump.

Also see:

Cyber Hackers Infiltrate Illinois Water Utility: "This Could Get Ugly"

Just last month The Blaze reported that cyber attacks on U.S. utilities are on the rise, as more and more hook up to the Internet to synchronize systems. Well, here’s the latest case-in-point.

Wired’s Threat Level reports that attackers with IP addresses based in Russia infiltrated the control system of a water utility in Springfield, Illinois, and destroyed a pump last week. But even though employees at the utility report noticing something fishy, they thought it was just a glitch in the system and analysis has shown the initial hack could have happened in September.

The Coming European Superstate That Germany Plans To Cram Down The Throat Of The Rest Of Europe

Exactly what we would expect:

A lot of people were puzzled about what German Chancellor Angela Merkel meant when she recently stated that the ultimate solution to the financial crisis in the EU would "mean more Europe, not less Europe".

Well, now we are finding out. A leaked internal German government memo entitled "The Future of the EU: Required Integration Policy Improvements for the Creation of a Stability Union" actually proposes the creation of a "European Monetary Fund" which would be given the power to run the economies of troubled European nations.

This "stability union" would be quickly followed by the creation of a full-fledged "political union". Essentially, this leaked memo proposes the creation of a "European Superstate" which will be crammed down the throats of the rest of Europe whether they like it or not. National sovereignty would be a thing of the past and European bureaucrats would run everything.

A lot of people have just assumed that if there is a massive financial collapse in Europe and the euro crashes that it will mean that end of the euro and potentially the breakup of the EU. But that is not what the Germans have planned at all.

No, not at all. Just remember the mantra "Big Crisis = Big Change".

An article in the Telegraph has posted details about the leaked internal German government memo mentioned above. It really is startling to see that a full-fledged "political union" in Europe is being discussed at the highest levels of the German government....

The six-page memo, by the German foreign office, argues that Europe’s economic powerhouses should be able to intervene in how beleaguered eurozone countries are run.

The confidential blueprint sets out Germany’s plan to tackle the eurozone debt crisis by creating a “stability union” that will be “immediately followed by moves “on the way towards a political union”.

It will prompt fears that Germany’s euro crisis plans could result in a European super-state with spending and tax plans set in Brussels.

Can you imagine what Europe would look like under such a plan?

National sovereignty would be a thing of the past.

Yes, that's coming. Just wait until you see the "10 Kings" show up and their antichrist; then you'll see a "superstate".

Another article in the Telegraph says that the leaked memo proposes that immediately a "European Monetary Fund" should be set up that would have the power to take over and run the economies of European nations that get into too much debt. But according to the memo this would just be an intermediate step toward a full "political union"....

But according to the memo this would just be an intermediate step toward a full "political union"....

The six-page German foreign ministry paper sets out plans for the creation of a European Monetary Fund with a transfer of sovereignty away from member states.

The fund will have the power to take ailing countries into receivership and run their economies. Even more controversially, the document, entitled The future of the EU: required integration policy improvements for the creation of a Stability Union, declares that the treaty changes are a first stage “in which the EU will develop into a political union”. “The debate on the way towards a political union must begin as soon as the course toward stability union is charted,” it concludes.

And this:

What is clear is that the status quo is not going to last much longer. Something has got to change. Unfortunately, Germany and France seem determined to push the rest of Europe in the direction of creating a European Superstate.

Britain 'will join euro before long', says German finance minister

Britain will have to abandon the pound and join the single currency “faster than people think”, Germany’s finance minister has said.

Wolfgang Schäuble said that, despite the current crisis in the eurozone, the euro will ultimately emerge as the common currency of the entire European Union. He said he “respects” Britain’s decision to keep the pound, but insisted that the survival and eventual stabilisation of the euro will convince non-members to join the currency club. “This may happen more quickly than some people in the British Isles currently believe,” he added.

Meanwhile, a leaked document seen by The Daily Telegraph yesterday showed Berlin has drawn up radical plans for an intrusive new European body which will be able to intervene directly in beleaguered countries.

Meanwhile, we continue to watch the collapse of America:

Supercommittee failure could trigger US credit downgrade, economists warn

Economists predict dire consequences if committee fails to reach agreement on how to reduce America's massive debt

Economists are warning of dire consequences if US politicians fail to make progress this weekend in tense talks aimed at reducing America's massive deficit ahead of a Wednesday deadline.

The bi-partisan congressional super-committee is charged with drawing up plans for a $1.2tn reduction in the nation's deficit by the middle of next week. Failure to do so will trigger an automatic "sequester" that will make cuts of that size to defence and social welfare programmes starting in 2013. But the two sides seem far from finding a solution after clashing over tax revenues.

"The US is already spending 7% of GDP on Medicare and Medicaid [the government-run health schemes] and that will be up to 10-11% in the next two decades. Debt is on an unsustainable path, and if they can't reach an agreement on this, it doesn't look good for the future."

Detroit reveals the future course for the rest of the country:

Detroit's Liberal Nightmare

What happens when a city buys the liberal dream hook, line and sinker? Just take a look at the City of Detroit. The once-great city lost 237,493 residents over the last decade according to the 2010 Census, bringing it to 713,777 – a population plunge of 25%. That's its lowest population since 1910, and it marks the city's fall from a 1950s peak of two million, over 60%. And that’s just the people who can afford to leave.

Michigan economy lost 450,000 manufacturing jobs over the past 10 years all while Detroit lost population. And while the Motor City suffers unemployment from a decimated automotive industry, it suffers crime, high taxes, poor city services, plummeting home values, and a public education system in shambles with a $327 million budget deficit and a 19 percent dropout rate. Is it any wonder people are leaving in droves?

But to understand why folks are really leaving Detroit, its worth looking where they're headed. As Detroit suffered a population loss, its neighboring suburban counties with lower crime, better schools and an improving economic outlook saw their population increase. One former Detroiter told The Detroit News, "Detroit just got too messy for me ... I was not getting the benefits of those tax dollars. The city services are poor and I could not use the school system. And you look at the cost of living and the corruption, we had to leave." In other words, bad government drove her out, and she's seeking greener pastures elsewhere.

And the problems that plague Michigan and Detroit are the problems with liberal policies. The promise doesn't live up to the results. The Washington Examiner's Michael Barone writes: "When people ask me why I moved from being a liberal to being a conservative, my single-word answer is Detroit. The liberal policies which I hoped would make Detroit something like heaven have made it instead something more like hell."

And now, after living in that liberal nightmare, Detroiters have voted with their feet in record number.

If the article isn't convincing, just take a look at the pictures:

Detroit's Horrible Decline

Detroit Will Pay You To Take One Of These 100 Abandoned Homes

Obama's OWS Grows More Violent, Threatens Young Children

Yes, literally and the truth does indeed hurt:

For those of you who continue to tell me the Occupy Wall Street radicals aren’t politically connected with one party, I say balderdash.

First, in September ObamaFriend Van Jones told ObamaChannel MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell that there was going to be a progressives’ “October Offensive against Capitalism.”

Then, Obama mentor and persona non grata in virtually every country save ObamaLand (aka the former USA), is funding the OWS largely via his Tides Foundation.

Then, there is also Obama’s American taxpayer-funded and long-time Obama Goons SEIU (Service Employees International Unions) involvement with the OWS mobs and their other supporters, including the Communist Party USA and Obama‘s ACORN.

Of course, ACORN and the SEIU’s involvement is being illegally funded by the American taxpayer via the Obama‘s (that is yours and mine) “stash.” These are your taxpayer dollars at work.

Occupy Wall Street is now comprised almost solely of Obama’s Marxist Democrat Party’s brutal and anarchistic Mobile Gang Units.

The intro above just sets the stage for the rest of the article:

It took these groups less than a couple of weeks to mutate from their claims of legitimacy into the tyrant’s “we’ll destroy everything you own and are and then steal the rest!” dream groups.

The ongoing OWS Marxist threats had been directed only towards adults. Now, however, they have spread to even intimidating, frightening and threatening very young children. On Thursday, OWS protesters began blocking, shouting at and terrorizing small children who were trying to get to school.

CBS News New York reports: “The NYPD helped funnel the children, anything to ease their fears while some protestors chanted “follow those kids! “These guys are terrorists, yelling at little kids,” one father said. “For them it’s horrible. They’re afraid of all the crowds. We’re not even able to get through. They’re just, he’s… very afraid now,” a mother added.” Protesters even followed a father and his young daughter down a block, while yelling and shouting at them.

The only good thing to come from these increasingly well-planned and executed ‘fits of rage’ from the Left is that we are now seeing the true face of Obama’s, the Marxist-Democrats’ and the one-world order advocates’ plan for “Transforming America.”

Time to Break Apart the United States

“The truth is that there is no compromise possible between Liberty and Tyranny.
We have irreconcilable differences with the Progressives, and every attempt
to compromise with them, always results in an incremental loss of our Liberty,
not to mention our income. Perhaps it is time for a divorce.”
- Dave Hunter “Why Live in a Salad Bowl”

As I have mentioned before in my articles, either God exists, or God does not exist. There is no half-way — God does not sort of exist,” or sort of not exist. This being the case, someone is very, very far off track, and deluded to the point of mental derangement. I should mention that the vast majority of atheists are liberal.

Seeing as how atheists are the ones who overwhelmingly tend to embrace such concepts and “realities” as relativism, chaos, nihilism, narcissism, polymorphous perversity, and moral ambiguity, there will be no awards given for correctly guessing who the deranged ones are here. I do not honestly know if I have the stomach for any further “up close and personal” dealings with lunatic liberals anymore (there is no lunatic “fringe” — all liberals are insane to one degree or another. At best they are myopically deluded and spiritually stunted). Perhaps, as Dave Hunter says, a “divorce” would be best.

Back to Iran:

Iran army tests defenses as nuclear tensions rise

IAEA 'Concerned' About Iran's Nuclear Program

Report: Iran Revolutionary Guard Commander Killed In Explosion Was Testing Intercontinental Missile

Iran paper: Deadly blast occurred during intercontinental missile test

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