Analysis: What may be involved in an Israeli strike on Iran
Israel is believed to have a fully prepared plan to launch a strike, which would likely involve at least several hundred aircraft.
Over the past several days, Hebrew media reports have been engaged in intense speculation regarding a possible imminent Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear sites.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak appeared to have made a veiled reference to the issue again on Tuesday, when he told the Knesset that Israel may have to protect its vital interests alone, while other reports focused on comments by Interior Minister Eli Yishai, who stated this week that difficult decisions were “keeping him up at nights,” without elaborating further.
Israel is believed to have a fully prepared plan to launch such a strike, which would likely involve at least several hundred aircraft.
So has the Iran-Israel conflict reached the #1 spot on the "tipping point" scale?
Quite possibly; details are already being reviewed:
Multiple aerial routes are theoretically available for Israeli aircraft to reach targets in Iran. In all those paths though, the jets would likely have to either neutralize or evade radar systems of other countries along the route, as well as face the potential fallout that could follow an intrusion of foreign airspace.
Israel also possesses the advanced midair refueling capabilities required for carrying out sorties over multiple Iranian targets situated between 1,500 and 2,000 km.
Possible targets could include uranium- enrichment sites at Natanz and Qom, the uranium- conversion plant at Isfahan, and a heavy water reactor in Arak suspected of being used to pursue a plutoniumbased nuclear arms program, as well as additional facilities.
The Air Force, which according to foreign reports has gone on dry runs to practice such an attack on previous occasions over the past decade, would first have to neutralize Iran’s aerial defense capabilities, blind Iran’s radars, destroy command and control centers and paralyze Iran’s own air force for a while, before overcoming fortifications and special aerial defense measures placed by the Iranians around their nuclear sites. The operational challenge is vast.
The Air Force would in effect have to take temporary control over sections of Iran’s airspace before being able to target nuclear facilities, some of which are hidden in mountains or deep underground.
The mission would require the use of powerful bunker-busting bombs, as well as possible repeated strikes to ensure success.
According to a Newsweek article from September, the US has already transferred 55 such bombs to Israel.
And the concluding paragraph below looks like it was lifted directly from the pages of Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17:
However, such a strike would undoubtedly touch off conflict with Iran’s proxy in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah, which is armed with tens of thousands of rockets, as well as Hamas in Gaza, and possibly with Syria. The resulting chain of events could easily lead to a major regional war and long-term instability, so much so that some senior Israeli defense figures have reportedly been rejecting the idea of attacking Iran for years.
In addition to the above, Debka has an article showing how close we are to one of the other tipping points, Syria:
NATO squeezes Assad: A Syrian uranium enrichment plant "discovered"
Basically this article describes Syria's previous quest for nuclear weapon capability, but the article takes a turn and concludes with this highly germane information - information which gains importance in the context of Syria's threats to attack Israel if there is any 'foreign' intervention in their affairs:
Turkey for example is directly involved in supporting the Syrian revolt against the Assad regime by laying on weapons and training and allowing rebel leaders to operate cross-border command centers on its soil.
Qatar, which is not a NATO member but was closely associated with the alliance operation in Libya, is a major purveyor of arms and funding for Syria's anti-regime fighters. In the operation against Muammar Qaddafi, the Qataris became expert in the management of revolts against Arab dictatorships and accustomed to working in close sync with NATO intelligence and military arms.
This last quote deserves to be bolded:
Whether or not NATO intervenes in Syria is no longer a question. It already has, in one way or another. The question is when will Assad decide that Western intervention has reached a level warranting delivery on his threat to burn the Middle East?
Watching prophecy unfold exactly as one would expect, based on the writings of God's prophets 2,500 years ago is nothing short of astounding.
Recent news (and there are far too many to even begin quoting here) can be put side by side with the prophetic scriptures and the parallel is something that could only come directly from God.
As the apostle Peter said, just after describing certain events that he had seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears:
"And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God..."
(2 Peter 1:19-21)
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