Minggu, 25 September 2011

Updates from the Epicenter:

Abbas at Ramallah rally: 'Palestinian Spring' is coming

This is most definitely an incitement of violence:

Thousands gather to celebrate return of PA president following submittal of request for UN recognition of state; Abbas vows state will be won through peaceful protest and negotiations but only after settlements halted.

WAFA reported that IDF forces detained dozens of buses carrying people to the rally in Ramallah.

The IDF was gearing up for an escalation in violent demonstrations in the West Bank this week amid concern that Abbas’s speech at the United Nations on Friday would motivate the public to increase their “resistance.”

“We see calls for escalation on the Palestinian street and expect more stone throwing over the coming days,” a senior IDF officer said. On Sunday, the Central Command was scheduled to review its current deployment and depending on developments, consider the possible release of several units from active duty in the West Bank to return to training

Abbas Launches 'Palestinian Spring' in Ramallah

Cheered by thousands, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was given a hero's welcome Sunday when he returned from his trip to the United Nations.

“Facing this determination – which I conveyed from you to the world – everyone stood up and appreciated your expectations and aspirations,” he told the cheering crowd. “Our diplomatic move, which has already begun, still has a long way to go,” he warned. “We must know that there will be those who will place obstacles in our path. They will block us and our existence here.”

The U.N. speech, carefully geared to excite the PA street without inflaming it, was nevertheless seen by many in Israel as an exercise in official, institutional incitement “from the top.”

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said over the weekend that the PA leader's speech from the podium at the U.N. General Assembly was the “worst example of anti-israel incitement and vitriol” he had ever heard

Throughout his address, Abbas referred to Israel as a “colonial occupying power” and accused the Jewish State of deliberately targeting civilians, arbitrarily destroying crops, and demolishing schools, mosques and hospitals.

He demanded that the U.N. recognize Judea, Samaria and major portions of Israel's capital city, Jerusalem, as the PA's hoped-for state and that Israel end all construction in Jewish communities in those areas as a precondition for any talks

PA expects 9 countries to vote in favor of statehood bid

The Palestinian Authority said it expected nine countries to vote in favor of the statehood application at the United Nations Security Council.

On the eve of the review of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s application for full membership in the international organization, Palestinian officials have stepped up their criticism of US President Barack Obama because of his opposition to the move.

However, PA representatives expressed fear that the US Administration would try to postpone the vote at the Security Council for as long as possible under various pretexts.

And once again, this (below) says it all:

Referring to Spain’s decision to recognize Israel’s right to be a Jewish state, the PA official said: “This is an erroneous position that could be the result of pressure on Spain, which is on the eve of elections. As for us, we won’t recognize the Israel as a Jewish state.

“The Palestinian land still hasn’t been liberated, but it has been freed from the grip of the Americans and Israelis,” said analyst Hani Habib. “Now the Palestinian issue is once again under the responsibility of the UN. The Americans and Israelis have become isolated and besieged.”

Captured Anti-Aircraft Missiles Were Headed for Sinai Terrorists

Egypt confiscated anti-aircraft missiles that were headed for terrorists in the Sinai, bordering Israel, the Egyptian news agency Youm7 reported Sunday.

Voice of Israel government radio said the weapons were likely smuggled from Libya.

The cache contained eight missiles and three barrels for long-range firing weapons. Empty crates that had held weapons were also found and apparently contained rocket launchers that had been stolen. However, local residents stole them before police arrived, a sign of continuing lack of security control by the Egyptian provisional regime.

Israel security officials have said recently that Libya is becoming a new source of weapons for Arab terrorists in Gaza and Bedouin terrorists who have taken de facto control of several areas of the Sinai.

Terrorists in possession of anti-aircraft missiles could create a catastrophe for Egypt’s tourist industry if they are aimed at planes flying over the Sinai.

Successful smuggling of the weapons into Hamas-controlled Gaza would add to terrorists’ stockpiles of similar weapons that can bring down a commercial airliner.

A successful terrorist attack on an IDF or civilian commercial airline in Israel, besides causing huge casualties, would be a powerful boost for the Hamas terrorist organization.

Also see:

Erdogan Slams Israel in UN: Israel's Leaders Bury Peace

The Beginning of the End of Oslo?

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