Rabu, 21 September 2011

More Updates From The UN And The Epicenter

First of all, let us not forget what we are ultimately dealing with here. The PA is engaged in a high-stakes game to divide Israel and set the stage for Israel's ultimate destruction. Just take a look at what the PA (and Iran, Turkey, Russia, the Arab states etc.) wants to do: shrink Israel into indefensible borders. We cannot forget that vital fact over the next few days and weeks.

Americans not fooled by Palestinian statehood stunt

The Palestinian Authority is billing its UN statehood bid as the last viable way to end the Israeli-Arab conflict. But a vast majority of Americans see through the ruse, and say it will only lead to an increase in violence.

In a poll conducted last month by McLaughlin & Associates and Caddell Associates National Survey, 74.2 percent of Americans said that if they are given a state at the UN this week, the Palestinians will not abandon their quest to destroy the rest of Israel.

Western Strategy: Table PA Motion and Renew PA-Israel Talks

France has joined the United States to build a ladder for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to climb down by filing a motion in the United Nations, let it be tabled and return to talks.

The solution to let all three sides – Israel, the PA and the United States – avoid diplomatic collision is to let Abbas make a face-saving gesture by filing a letter of intent to the United Nations for recognition and then delaying a formal request and agreeing to return to direct talks with Israel.

If Abbas accepts the idea, the United Nations Security Council will not have to deal with the motion for the time being and the United States would have to veto it, as it has promised, if it were to receive the necessary two-thirds support for passage.

However, returning to talks would place both Abbas and Israel in a difficult position because of each side’s refusal to accept the other’s conditions.

Even the Washington Post seems to get it:

Washington Post: Abbas Not Serious for PA State

The influential Washington Post has accused Mahmoud Abbas of not being serious about wanting to establish the Palestinian Authority as a country.

In a lead editorial Tuesday morning, the liberal newspaper joined a growing number of mainstream media outlets – with the notable exception of The New York Times – throwing up their hands at Abbas’ constant rebuffs to the “peace process.”

And this:

“Congress may terminate U.S. aid, causing an instant economic crisis,” the newspaper’s editors wrote. "Israel is hinting at retaliation, ranging from the withholding of tax funds to the annexation of its West Bank settlements. At worst, demonstrations being orchestrated by Mr. Abbas to support the statehood initiative will get out of hand, producing a violent confrontation with Israel.”

Protests to greet Ahmadinejad in New York

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is set to face angry protests during his visit to New York this week for the United Nations General Assembly.

Ahmadinejad is due to address the UN General Assembly on Wednesday and hold a press conference Friday.

United Against Nuclear Iran, an advocacy group, has demanded that managers of the upscale Warwick Hotel refuse to host Ahmadinejad and his delegation and have urged a boycott of the international hotel chain.

It will be interesting to see if he closes his speech with another plea for the Mahdi to return soon, as he usually does (something typically ignored by the MSM).

Meanwhile, back in the epicenter:

Palestinians take to streets, show statehood bid support

Demonstrations supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state were taking place in cities across the West Bank Wednesday, ahead of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's expected request for United Nations recognition of statehood later this week.

Additional rallies were expected to take place in the Palestinian cities of Bethlehem, Nablus, Kalkilya, Jenin and Hebron.

Events were scheduled to continue throughout the week, culminating with live broadcasts in the streets of PA President Abbas's speech to the United Nations on Friday, in which he is expected to demand statehood and UN membership for the Palestinians.

IDF prepared for upswing in West Bank violence ahead of UN vote

Netanyahu conferred with Gantz about the IDF’s preparedness for the possibility of violent demonstrations in the West Bank over the coming days during the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations.

Jewish family attacked in Jerusalem, police unable to act

A Jewish family of nine told Israel National News that as they walked home from Friday evening prayers last week they were set upon by a gang of Arab youth, and that nearby Israeli police officers did nothing to prevent the attack.

The family was returning to its home near the Flowers Gate in Jerusalem's Old City when five Arab youth with covered faces began hurling concrete blocks at them.

What's worse is that several Israeli Border Police officers were standing nearby and witnessed at least part of the attack, but were unable to intervene.

The mother told Israel National News that she later confronted the officers and was told that they could not stop the attackers for fear of getting in trouble with their superiors.

"Soldiers and Border Police can act only if there's an immediate threat to life," she said, recalling the officers' explanation. "What are they waiting for, for somebody to be killed?"

The family managed to take cover under the roof of a nearby store and work their way home without injury. But the children were visibly traumatized by the incident.

Also see:

West Bank settlers and Palestinians clash as tensions ramp up

And these events just mark the beginning of more to come. We can expect more violence and more demonstrations in the coming days as news from NYC reach the Middle East - and the content probably doesn't matter. Good or bad, whatever happens this week at the UN is guaranteed to create more violence.

We'll have to wait and see if the tipping point is reached in the epicenter,

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