Minggu, 11 September 2011

Israel Now Under Sniper Fire

Now we see a whole new form of terrorism evolving in Israel and it has started from Gaza: Sniper fire.

'Purity of Arms' Shackles IDF as Gaza Snipers Attack

Gaza terrorists have found a new way to terrorize residents of southern Israel – by hiding among civilians in residential buildings in Gaza near the security barrier and firing on Israeli homes. Previously terrorists used sniper fire to attack farmers at work near the barrier.

Arutz Sheva spoke to Ashkelon Coast regional chairman Yair Farjun about the latest attacks, which began Friday morning with sniper fire on homes in the farming community of Netiv Haasarah.

The new attacks are particularly frightening because they cannot be predicted and therefore there is no warning, Farjun said. Mortar shell and rocket attacks are often preceded by a Color Red rocket alert, which usually gives a 15-second interval to seek shelter.

Friday’s terrorist attacks ended in direct hits on two homes and a small local store. In two cases, bullets bounced around an occupied room, changing direction multiple times, but miraculously, did not cause injury.

Previously, a terrorist sniper attack killed a Thai citizen as he worked in fields outside Gaza.

Houses have become a target as well as terrorists make use of upper stories in buildings in Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya, Farjun explained.

Their tactic is likely to impede the IDF’s ability to respond, he noted.

This is just one more concern for the innocent Israeli citizens - if the rockets, mortars, missiles, car bombings, bus bombings, suicide attacks, etc. weren't enough - now they have to worry about getting hit by a sniper's bullet.

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