Minggu, 04 September 2011

The Human Microchipping Agenda

This is a relatively slow news day (well, so far anyway, but we have learned that such slow days can change instantly), so this may be a good time to take a look at the video below - it is quite fascinating and worth the time investment:

Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda

This video reveals just how close we may be to seeing the "Mark of the Beast" (assuming, of course, that the "Mark" is indeed a microchip which requires some degree of speculation). Regardless of the true nature of the "Mark", this video reveals just how much we are monitored on a daily basis and how gradual losses of freedom, combined with a prolonged "conditioning" process is encroaching on our daily lives.

Also in the news:

Palestinians have a strategy if statehood bid is vetoed

If the UN bid for Palestinian statehood should fail this month, Palestinian leadership would work first to gain membership to every UN organization and then resubmit their bid to the Security Council, senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath told the Ma'an news agency on Sunday.

The United States has made it clear that they would veto the vote later this month, making it impossible for the resolution to pass. However, the General Assembly could still upgrade the Palestinians' status from observer status to that of a non-member state. This change would allow them to join a number of UN bodies and conventions.

Tension, confusion behind EU facade on Palestine

Hostility toward foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton, confusion over what the Palestinians will ask for and how major EU countries will react marked behind-closed-doors talks of EU foreign ministers in Poland.

While EU countries agree on basic principles - the importance of Arab-Israeli talks and the need for a two-state solution based on 1967 borders - Europe is split on whether or not to back Palestine's unilateral bid for statehood.

One EU diplomat said Bulgaria, the Czech republic, Hungary, Italy and the Netherlands called for the EU to oppose Palestinian independence but that Ashton sided with more Palestinian-friendly countries.

Erasing Jews from Jerusalem

Our friends at the invaluable Palestinian Media Watch (PMW-Palwatch.org) have been diligently following the latest in the Palestinian policy of historical revisionism: erasing Jewish connection to the Temple Mount -- up for the big day at the U.N.

Religious Jews have scratched their heads and asked since 1967: "Can somebody explain why the Temple Mount is in the custody of Muslims?" That is another, very large, story. Meanwhile, the lamentations continue.

Race to douse a new Mideast flash point: American campaign seeks to avert clash over Palestinian bid at U.N.

The Obama administration has begun a last-ditch diplomatic campaign to avert a confrontation this month over a Palestinian plan to seek recognition as a state at the United Nations, but it may already be too late, according to senior American officials and foreign diplomats.

The administration has circulated a proposal intended to be the basis of renewed peace talks with the Israelis - based on a formula that President Barack Obama outlined in May - in hopes of persuading the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to abandon the bid for recognition at the annual gathering of the U.N. General Assembly beginning Sept. 20.

But the United States alone does not have enough support to block a vote by the General Assembly to elevate the current status of the Palestinians' nonvoting observer ''entity'' to that of an nonvoting observer state.

Senior officials said the administration wanted to avoid not only a veto but also the more symbolic and potent General Assembly vote that would leave the United States and only a handful of other nations in opposition. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss diplomatic maneuverings, said they feared that in either case a backlash could sweep the Palestinian territories and the wider Arab world when the region is already in tumult.

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