Sabtu, 03 September 2011

The Gog-MaGog Alliance: Strengthening as Predicted

Over the last several months, we have seen even more movement from the future Gog-MaGog alliance:

First of all, Iran has increased their anti-Israeli rhetoric to much higher levels than seen before, with Ahmadinejad making it perfectly clear that the overall goal of almost everything we see in the Middle East today, is for the purpose of destroying Israel. This point is abundantly clear.

Turkey, only a few brief years ago, had been used by skeptics as an example of a country that couldn't possibly be aligned against Israel (similar to Egypt) - as they had favorable ties to Israel and was seen as a weak ally of Israel. We have witnessed a radical change from that position.

We have witnessed Northern Africa fall into the hands of radical Islam, piece by piece, with the overthrow of Libya as the most recent example.

Russia remains the main force - working behind the scenes, consolidating their various military and economic agreements with Turkey, while they finalize Iran's nuclear ambitions with thousands of Russian workers, scientists and engineers working feverishly to complete the structure needed to produce nuclear weapons.

The coalition is complete.

Today, we see just how far the anti-Israeli sentiment has become in Turkey - now to the point of attempting to draw Israel into war:

Turkey President: Expulsion of Israeli envoy is just the first step

The expulsion of Israel's ambassador over an Israel Defense Forces raid of a Turkish aid flotilla is just one step in many possible measures taken against Israel if it persists in its refusal to apologize for the incident, Turkish President Abduallah Gul said on Friday.

Gul's comments came just hours after Turkish Foreign Minister announced the downscale of diplomatic relations with Jerusalem, saying the move was a direct response to Israel's refusal to apologize for the deaths of nine Turkish nationals in the May 2010 raid.

Speaking to reporters in Istanbul later Friday, Gul said that Israel apparently "did not understand how determined Turkey was to show it has not forgotten the events of the past," adding that Turkey "would always defend our citizens' rights," saying that the "steps announced today were just the first phase."

"We cannot accept the blockade on Gaza. We cannot say that the blockade aligns with international law," he said, adding that the stance taken by the Palmer Commission Report was the author's "personal opinion, one which does not correspond with Turkey's position."

Israel: We hope to mend Turkey ties, but will not apologize for Gaza flotilla

An additional statement released Friday by Israel, this one by a senior source in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office stated that Israel will endeavor to mend frayed ties with the Turkish government and people, but that it will not apologize for the deaths of nine Turkish activists, who it says were only killed by IDF soldiers in self-defense.

"The State of Israel hopes that a way will be found to overcome the disagreement with Turkey, and Israel will continue to make efforts in that regard," it added.

The PMO's announcement also related to Turkey's hinted threat to send naval ships to the sea surrounding Gaza. "Israel assumes that Turkey will respect international laws relating to sailing on the Mediterranean Sea."

UN chief urges Israel, Turkey to mend relations for sake of Middle East peace

United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon on Saturday urged Turkey and Israel to mend their relationship for the good of the Middle East peace process after Turkey expelled the Israeli ambassador in the latest fallout over last year's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

In addition to expelling the envoy on Friday, Turkey also cut military ties over Israel's refusal to apologize for the raid, in which nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed, further straining a relationship that had been a cornerstone of regional stability.

"Both countries are very important countries in the region and their improved relationship - normal relationship - will be very important in addressing all the situations in the Middle East, including the Middle East peace process," he said, referring to a negotiated Palestinian-Israeli peace pact.

Also in the region:

Home Front Minister: Sinai-based cell may attack Israel in coming days

Israel has been warned that a terrorist cell linked to the Islamic Jihad and based in the Sinai Peninsula may try to carry out a series of attacks over the coming days, Home Front Minister Matan Vilnai said on Tuesday.

The Israel Defense Forces is on high alert along the Egyptian border anticipating the terrorist group's activities, according to Israel Radio, and has spread out troops particularly in areas where terrorists may be able to cross through easily.

All-time high of 2,000 illegal infiltrators crossed Israel-Egypt border last month

EU states divided on Palestinian statehood bid

European Union governments sought a common approach on Friday to a possible Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations this month but deep policy differences looked set to undermine the efforts.

Austria's Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger said one solution could be for the EU to propose its own resolution to the UN on the sensitive issue but other diplomats said privately that several EU capitals opposed the idea.

"So far the positions in the EU are very divergent," Spindelegger told reporters. "I hope that we, as Europe, can send a signal ... and phrase a text which eventually might be brought before the (..) assembly."

With peace talks with Israel frozen, the Palestinians have vowed to seek full UN membership for a state in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital, during the assembly's next General Assembly in September.

Having its difficulties in forging a common view exposed would undermine the EU's efforts to become more influential in international affairs.

Ashton herself said in Sopot that EU capitals still had to time to decide how to act at the UN and said efforts should continue to mediate between Israel and the Palestinians in the meantime.

Analysis: Blair has major, unheralded role in Mideast talks

Britain's Tony Blair is playing a central but largely unheralded role in trying to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and perhaps avert a Palestinian push for full UN membership later this month.

As described by Western diplomats, the former British prime minister's effort in part reflects a vacuum left by the United States following the May resignation of former Senator George Mitchell as its special envoy for Middle East peace.

Blair's specific task is to try to win agreement among the so-called Quartet -- the European Union, Russia, the United Nations and the United States -- on a statement that might lure both sides back into peace talks after a gap of nearly a year.

Blair's diplomacy to craft a consensus statement appears to be accelerating. In the past week he quietly met Netanyahu in Jerusalem and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in Paris.

"September" has become shorthand for the diplomatic train wreck widely forecast this month when the Palestinians may seek full membership at the United Nations for a state of Palestine in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, territories occupied by Israel in a 1967 war.

Just like Sarkozy - Blair is an individual worth watching as he remains a key figure in these so-called 'peace negotiations' in the Middle East.

Asked why the Obama administration may have turned to Blair to do much of the current diplomatic work, he said it reflects in part Blair's track record working with the Palestinians.

"It has something to do with the administration not feeling it has a senior envoy with bandwidth to do this right now," he said. "And it has something to do with not wanting to expose the president politically by seeming to be pressuring Israel."

And in the U.S. - a stark reminder of where we are in history:

How Many Reports of Imminent Economic Collapse Would We Like to Have?

Have you caught any analyses lately, indicating that America is soon likely to suffer severely from worldwide economic insolvency?

An insolvency fomented by vast, monstrous, and interwoven layers of debt to a very corrupt (nonantisemitic term coming) cabal of superwealthy, extremely manipulative, and one would have to say, evil not very nice, central bankers?

Multiple links and video clips are contained within this article - most of us already realize this, but if you need convincing just read a few of the articles given in these links.

Water Wars: The Coming Global Crisis

As if we need another "global crisis".

And lastly, below we see yet another interesting article on "Agenda 21":

UN's Agenda 21 Equals Organized 'Snitching'

America was founded on the idea that private property is sacred. Americans cannot conceive their country without the right to own property. As they go about their daily lives, the United Nations Agenda 21 is methodically chipping away at our country’s solid foundation.

Under the guise of protecting the environment, water conservation, resources, reducing carbon footprint, reducing the use of electricity, smart grid, smart meters, cutting down the use of fossil fuels, separating people from their cars in favor of mass transit, biking and walking within five minutes of residence, returning land to wilderness by moving large rural and urban populations into high rise tenements in green zones, and social justice, the UN is taking over our lives.

UN Agenda 21 marches on in spite of the many revelations that global warming, climate change scare tactics, faulty data, and faux academic research from the University of East Anglia have been debunked.

Questions that we all should be asking:

Do we really need the United Nations to regulate our country, corporations, and citizens in every way into poverty because third world nations think that we are not good stewards of the environment and must thus be controlled and snitched on if we don’t comply? Are U.S. tax dollars involved in this intricate network?

Should United Nations dictate to the rest of the world what economic justice is? I do not wish to receive lectures on respect for diversity from UN totalitarian governments that disrespect women, other religions, and repress minorities through genocide.

Agenda 21 isn't 'theoretical' - it is happening and it is happening now:

As I searched many websites to compile this report, I realize the encroachment of United Nation’s Agenda 21. Look up the words sustainable development, sustainability, smart growth, environmental stewardship, green agenda, and just one site,, and you will see how many organizations already have plans in place to control everything that we do under the UN umbrella of a one-world government.

The UN Global Compact and GRI signed an agreement in May 2010 to align their work in advancing corporate responsibility and transparency. Apparently, more than 5,800 businesses have already signed on to this scheme called a “corporate responsibility platform.” I fail to see how a private corporation is obligated to report anything to the United Nations.

Agenda 21 just represents one more piece of the American foundation that is rapidly eroding. The financial collapse, the extreme cuts proposed for the U.S. military, the inability for America to produce energy while increasing dependence on our enemies, the massive loss in land and home values, the continual loss of religious freedom as growing persecution erodes the open practice of Christianity, the growth of the police state, the loss of farmland, the immigration problems, the growth of Islam both in the White House and in local communities, the ongoing and increasing wars, the earthquakes, etc. One could go much further in this list. America is declining rapidly, exactly as one would expect from biblical prophecy.

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