Sabtu, 24 September 2011

In the news:

The first story is just 'breaking':

Palestinian Authority rejects Quartet call to talks

Do you ever notice a trend here?

Over the past 30-40 years, the "PA" rejects every offer. Regardless of the offer. Why? Because such offers demand recognition of Israel's right to exist - something that will never happen. Period.

The Palestinian Authority is unhappy with the Quartet’s latest initiative to launch peace talks with Israel because it is “incomplete,” PA Foreign Minister Riad Malki said on Saturday.

He pointed out that the initiative, which was launched over the weekend after PA President Mahmoud Abbas submitted to UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon an official request for full membership in the UN, does not call for a cessation of settlement construction an a pullout to the pre-1967 lines.

The Palestinians, meanwhile, have their eyes set towards Monday, when the UN Security Council is scheduled to discuss Abbas’s application for full membership of a Palestinian state.

Hamas Dismisses Abbas Speech

The Hamas terror group dismissed on Friday Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ UN speech, saying that it failed to address PA Arabs’ aspirations.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum told the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news agency that by recognizing Israel and seeking UN membership for a Palestinian state on 22 percent of ‘historic Palestine,’ Abbas “decreased Palestinians’ rights.”

Cyprus-Turkey gas dispute escalates

Turkish vessel the Piri Reis has set sail to drill for gas in waters claimed by EU member Cyprus amid talk of a potential new military confrontation after 35 years of peace.

Referring to related Turkish naval exercises in the area, Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christophias told the UN assembly that Turkey's actions are "provocative and a real danger for further complications in the region ... I wish, from this esteemed podium, to condemn this illegal act which constitutes a provocation."

Turkey's decision to confront Cyprus and the EU comes at the same time as its diplomatic row with Israel over Palestine and its bombing campaign against Kurdish separatists in what amounts to a show of strength in the region.

Turkish deputy prime minister Bulent Aric also talked tough with press in Brussels on Thursday.

"Since we are acting within [maritime] law, we can accompany the exploration with our navy and our air force. We don't have the idea of fighting. We are just defending our rights," he said.

Meanwhile, in the face of Turkey provoking both Cyprus and Israel, the U.S. decided to help arm Turkey (yes, the same Turkey of the Gog-MaGog alliance)...Only in bizarro world:

Erdogan: US to provide drones to Turkey

The United States has agreed in principle to deploy US Predator drones on Turkish soil to aid in the fight against Kurdish separatist rebels, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said.

Of course Turkey can and will use these drones against both Cyprus and Israel. Duh.

Erdogan, speaking to reporters in New York on Friday where he attended a UN General Assembly, said Turkey has offered to buy or lease the drones and that details are being worked out.

Unbelievable. Just when Turkey's anti-Israeli rhetoric is at an all time high, the U.S. decides to contribute to their arms build-up.

Muslim nations criticize Israel over nukes

Six weeks to save the euro

World leaders were warned last night that they have just six weeks to save the euro from collapse.

On another day of gathering economic gloom, George Osborne savaged eurozone leaders for failing to get a grip on their towering debts.

The Chancellor set a deadline of six weeks – when leaders of the G20 group of leading countries will meet for crunch talks in France – for action.

Global economy pushed to the brink

Time is running out to find a solution to the eurozone crisis and prevent another global recession, finance ministers warned on Friday

Financial markets experienced another day of intense volatility as investors struggled to interpret an emergency statement from the Group of 20 leading economies, which met on the sidelines of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings in Washington.

Putin to return as Russian president

Surprise, surprise. Who would have ever predicted this one?

Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is now certain to return to his former post as president next year after President Dmitry Medvedev pledged to support him in elections next March.

The announcement, at the annual conference of United Russia, the hegemonic political party that controls two-thirds of Russia’s parliament, puts to rest intrigue surrounding the “2012 Problem” which had divided observers as to whether Putin would return to the presidency or remain as prime minister.

Below are two articles pertaining to Agenda 21. The first, revealing our future and the second revealing the present. Read it and weep for the loss of freedom:

United Nations Agenda 21 Tenements in Eastern Europe

Romania was allowed to join the EU on January 1, 2007. Since then, the government has engaged in a policy of adhering to the rules and regulations established by the EU, including Agenda 21 mandates.

My aunt’s apartment was in such a dilapidated tenement, however, every apartment was connected to a brand-new smart meter, all encased together in a shadow box. When I inquired, I was told that the funds for the smart meters came from the European Union.

Well, just read the rest. It is both sad and disheartening, and a bleak view of our future.

We're already seeing the movement's beginnings in the U.S.:

EPA to property owner: 'Your land is our land'

Just imagine. You want to build a home, so you buy a $23,000 piece of land in a residential subdivision in your hometown and get started. The government then tells you to stop, threatens you with $40 million in fines and is not kidding.

That's the case now before the U.S. Supreme Court, with briefs being filed today by the Pacific Legal Foundation on behalf of a Priest Lake, Idaho, family, Chantell and Mike Sackett.

Attorney Damien Schiff, who will be arguing before the high court in the case, said it's simply a case of a government run amok, and it poses a potential threat to perhaps not every landowner across the nation, but untold millions.

Come quickly Lord.

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