Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Netanyahu Warns Egypt

Prime Minister Netanyahu responds to the Egyptian attacks on the Israeli embassy:

Netanyahu Warns Egypt: Peace Threatened by Attack on Embassy

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu slammed the attack Friday on the Israeli embassy in Cairo, and warned it could threaten the peace between the two nations.

"Egypt must not ignore the severe injury to the fabric of peace with Israel and such a blatant violation of international laws."

An Egyptian government spokesman told CNN the Cabinet had scheduled an emergency meeting, and that a state of emergency had been declared. All police leave has been canceled.

Meanwhile, we are now seeing a renewal of rocket attacks from Gaza:

Gaza Terrorists Fire Rocket Attack at Southern Israel

Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists in northern Gaza attacked civilian communities in southern Israel Saturday night.

The terrorists launched a Qassam rocket aimed at the coastal city of Ashkelon.

IAF Retaliates

The Israel Air Force retaliated Saturday night for a rocket attack on Ashkelon earlier in the evening.

According to local Gaza sources, Israeli fighter pilots attacked terrorists traveling in a vehicle near Khan Yunis. All Israeli personnel returned safely to base following the attack.

The air strike, carried out in southern Gaza, came less than an hour after a Qassam rocket was launched from the region at southern Israel.

Shortly after the IAF air strike, there was a second terror attack on southern Israel. Gaza terrorists fired mortar shells at an IDF outpost near the Gaza security fence. Soldiers searched for the terrorists, but they managed to escape

It seems that there is never a dull moment in the Epicenter these days.

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