Rabu, 14 September 2011

Is Jordan Next?

Jordan has been interesting to watch because they have had one of the most stable governments in the region. From both Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17, we see regions listed which are consistent with modern-day Jordan. Jordan King Abdullah seemed to somehow avoid many of the recent uprisings which were seen in Egypt, Libya, and Syria, but today we see a few articles that suggest Jordan may be next.

Could Jordan be the next country where radical Islam gains control?

Israeli officials: Jordan Hanging by a Thread

As the US steps up its effort to prevent a Palestinian unilateral bid to declare statehood, Israeli officials fear a new eastern front in the form of Jordan. State officials warn that Jordan is in an extremely precarious state and effectively "hanging by a thread."

The officials claim that "the situation in Jordan is precarious and it is possible that it is heading for a major jolt which should be taken with the utmost seriousness

Israel evacuates embassy in Jordan ahead of protests

Israel evacuated its embassy in Jordan Wednesday evening, hours before a Facebook organized march under the banner (in Arabic) of "No Zionist embassy on Jordanian territory."

The decision came just days after the 13-hour rampage at the Israeli embassy in Cairo, during which six security guards locked themselves behind a steel door while mobs ransacked the embassy.

Planned 'Million Man March' in Jordan to Target Israeli Embassy

The website of the Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper reported on Wednesday that Jordanian protesters are planning a million man march on Thursday.

According to the report, the protesters will demand that the Israeli Embassy in Amman be shut down. The newspaper noted that the call to protest against the Israeli Embassy was made by Jordanian activists but was welcomed among many political parties in Jordan that were quick to announce they would take part in the mass demonstration.

And below we see the usual 'cast of characters':

Among the Jordanian political groups that have announced their participation in the march is the Coordination Committee of the Jordanian opposition parties, which includes seven parties.

Hamza Mansour, secretary general of the Islamic Action Front Party - the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan – has also called on the Jordanian people to participate in this protest, Al-Quds Al-Arabi noted.

An official in the party was quoted by Al-Quds Al-Arabi as having called on the Jordanian government to hurry up and get rid of what he termed “the Zionist spy lair” in Amman.

The official was quoted as having said that it is a shame that the Israeli Embassy in Amman remains open in light of what he called “the ongoing Zionist attacks on the sovereignty and interests of Jordan.”

The official clarified that the Arab nations strongly oppose ties with Israel and that leaders should not go against that fact. He noted that what happened at the Israeli Embassy in Cairo is a clear message that the struggle against Israel is the choice of the Arab people and that the revolutions in the Arab world are headed toward releasing ‘Palestine.’

This is going to be very interesting to watch.

Jordan's King Abdullah has been the ultimate politician and has seemingly been reluctant to openly oppose the U.S. or Israel, while maintaining a delicate balance with the various Islamic groups. However that era may be coming to a close, as the anti-Israeli sentiment in Jordan is increasing dramatically, as shown by the upcoming protests.

Will he oppose these radical Islamic groups, setting up a scenario as seen in Syria with internal fighting, or will he somehow give in to this movement and attempt to appease this movement?

King Abdullah is certain to have a tangible strategy in order to deal with this evolving situation - a strategy that is yet to be declared. As the uprisings and demonstrations continue to increase in Jordan - with Israel as the main focus - we'll need to watch very closely to see how this evolves.

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