Senin, 12 September 2011

Mysterious Earthquake Swarms

This phenomenon is starting to become a story:

Mysterious Earthquake Swarm Near Parma, Italy - 45 Tremors over 48 Hours

Seismic swarms are now breaking out across the planet. Canary Islands, El Hierro (4,200 + quakes), along the Czech-German border (10,000 + quakes) and now northern Italy. In addition, as we noted in an earlier post, more activity is also occurring at the planet’s magma plumes.

The most recent of these "swarms" is now reported from Italy:

Parma, Italy has been rattled by 45 tremors over the last 48 hours and the tremors are incessant. The region is not typically known for high seismic activity.

“Train services were briefly interrupted on some lines and there was minor damage to some buildings, including two churches. Startled Italians jammed telephone lines after the initial quake at 4.25 p.m. (1525 GMT) that was unusually strong for northern Italy and was felt from the financial capital Milan to Florence to Trieste.

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