Rabu, 07 September 2011

Israel: Against All Odds

Israel's enemies continue to close in. Almost every day now we read about the progress Israel's enemies are making towards their ultimate destruction. We don't have to speculate about that - they are telling the world of this intent on a daily basis.

We have seen Egypt's gradual takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood - resulting in a rapid build-up of Iranian arms into Gaza and a new military agreement with Turkey. We have seen Turkey go from being relatively friendly to Israel, to now spewing some of the most toxic, anti-Israeli rhetoric on the planet, and that is saying a lot. Additionally, they have expelled Israeli diplomats, which is often a precursor to war.

We are also watching the growth of Hezbollah and their continual shipment of arms from Syria as they prepare for war against Israel. We have seen northern Africa's Islamic takeover virtually completed - now with the situation in Libya having been co-opted by radical Islamic groups. Iran is just on the brink of nuclear weapons, and their rhetoric has increased recently with their open calls for Israel's destruction.

We are watching the growing conflict between Israel and Lebanon over ownership of the recent oil/gas finds just off of Israel's coast - with Lebanon threatening war over these disputed borders. We look with interest at the Golan Heights and the rising tension there, as Syria's Assad desperately clings to power and his perpetual threats to reclaim that vital piece of land while desperately needing a diversion from his internal problems.

We watch as the PA prepares for the upcoming UN vote regarding their statehood and the threatened violence which will ensue.

There can be no doubting it. The coalition of Israel's enemies is now almost complete in preparation for the coming wars - wars which are not far away, as stated on so many occasions by both sides.

Israel's enemies are not only aligned as we would expect, based upon the prophetic scriptures, but they are also fully armed and now openly discussing the destruction of Israel.

Things are definitely closing in around Israel and this is happening very rapidly.

With that in mind, we turn to new developments which reveal even more of this ongoing process:

Hamas operating in Turkey

Hamas has established a command post in Turkey that it uses to recruit new operatives and oversee some of its operations in the Middle East, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) revealed on Wednesday.

Hamas’s presence in Turkey came up during the Shin Bet investigation into the 13 terrorist cells that it recently discovered operating in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

On Wednesday, Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon accused Ankara of cooperating with Hamas and Iran.

The Gog-MaGog coalition is almost complete. At this point, northern Africa, who is now dominated by radical Islam (especially with Libya's overthrow now complete), needs to connect militarily with Russia-Iran-Turkey and that will finalize this grouping.

Hamas’s best-known overseas presence is in Damascus, home to its political leader Khaled Mashaal. Hamas is believed to be the strongest overseas in Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon – but could potentially work together with other groups, such as Hezbollah, to increase its reach.

It is all coming together isn't it? Precisely as biblical prophecy would dictate.

Turkey Consorting With Terrorists

Relations between Turkey and Israel reached a new low Tuesday after Erdogan said Anakra would cut all defense-related trade with Israel and was considering "further sanctions."

Erdogan's latest rhetoric came just days after announcing Israel's top level diplomats would have to leave Turkey by Wednesday.

If you have been paying close attention, you have even noticed the rumblings in the West Bank over the past several weeks, and it is now getting some more attention:

IDF raids prove Hamas growing more active in West Bank

Wednesday's announcement by the Shin Bet security service that it had arrested dozens of Hamas militants from the West Bank, including the terror cell behind the murder in March of a British tourist in Jerusalem, and had prevented a suicide bombing in the city last month, points to an significant uptick in the activity of the military wing of Hamas in the West Bank.

The activities of the 13 Hamas cells prior to the arrests expresses a partial recovery of the terror infrastructure on the West Bank...The arrests foiled a suicide attack in Pisgat Ze'ev at the last moment and a number of cells were allegedly in the advanced stages of preparing to kidnap IDF soldiers.

September's upcoming vote in the United Nations General Assembly looms in the background of all these developments...

Israel's right-wing prepares for UN recognition of Palestine

Right-wing activists, settlement leaders and Knesset members convened on Wednesday to discuss how to deal with expected confrontations with Palestinian demonstrators should the United Nations General Assembly recognize a Palestinian state later this month.

Yoni Yosef, spokesman for Jewish settlers in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, suggested invoking the "Dromi Law," which permits home owners to kill intruders and could be used to shoot Palestinians attempting to approach Jewish homes in the neighborhood.

This situation coming up in September may be worse than thought as the rhetoric is becoming more and more threatening from both sides:

Yaakov Katz (National Union ) called on his colleagues to organize marches of thousands of right-wing activists toward Palestinian cities in response to the marches on Jewish communities being discussed by Palestinians. He said he suspected the IDF will not ready an appropriate response to Palestinian marches but would deploy large forces if it feared countermarches by the right.

And below we see another article speculating on the expected violence in the aftermath of the upcoming UN vote:

Israelis could face trial in the Hague of Palestinian statehood recognized at UN

Recognition of a Palestinian state could, in theory, lead to Israeli officials being dragged repeatedly before the International Criminal Court in the Hague for claims regarding its settlement policies in the West Bank, legal experts say.

“The settlements are a prime example of this, since in theory one could say that we are talking about a war crime, that Israel is not investigating it and not bringing those responsible to justice. Thus, the court could get involved and investigate.”

Attorney Nick Kaufman and Prof. Daphne Richmond-Barak, both international law experts who have worked with the International Criminal Court, believe the Palestinians will certainly try. They may even ask the court to investigate incidents that occurred before 2002

Every day we see more escalation in the epicenter.
Every day we move closer to war.

And not to be forgotten - every day we get closer to hearing the Trumpet Call.

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