Kamis, 01 September 2011

The Vice Tightens Around Israel

When Zechariah described how "the nations" will be gathered against Israel in the last days, he sure knew what he was talking about. You can't go a single day in the news cycle now without seeing more and more evidence of this fact, and today is no different.

From Iran:

"UN will release 'tough report' on Iran nuke program"

The UN's nuclear watchdog will once again highlight concern about possible military aspects to Iran's nuclear activities in its latest quarterly report, due to be submitted to member states in the next few days, diplomats said they believed.

Of course, if you are a prophecy watcher, this news should be met with a big "duh!", but for the rest of the world this could be news. Additionally, the IAEA is typically very reserved in their comments, but over the past 12-18 months, even they have been openly declaring Iran's military intentions.

The UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) -- tasked with ensuring that nuclear technology is not diverted for military aims -- has repeatedly complained about Iran's lack of cooperation over allegations of military-linked nuclear work.

Nuclear Watchdog Dismisses Tehran's 'Charm Offensive'

In previous reports, the IAEA complained Tehran refused to provide prompt access to sites, equipment, documents and people relevant for its probe. It also reported Iran had sought nuclear technologies unique to "implosion devices" - nuclear weapons more advanced than the bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) -- tasked with ensuring that nuclear technology is not diverted for military aims -- has repeatedly complained about Iran's lack of cooperation over allegations of military-linked nuclear work.

And from the south of Israel we see this:

Egypt is Remilitarizing Sinai

It’s 1936 all over again, and Egypt is Germany, and the Sinai Desert is the Rhineland which is being remilitarised. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Egypt has already begun to remilitarise the Sinai Desert, and Israel has either quietly ignored this or actively acceded. As a post-Mubarak Egypt becomes progressively less committed to the 1979 peace treaty with Israel, this Egyptian remilitarisation of the Sinai will inevitably become ever more extensive. And if Egypt falls to radical Islam – a fate that is almost inevitable given the strength and mass popularity of the Moslem Brotherhood – Egyptian remilitarisation will no longer be a question of if, but only when.

And as additionally Al Qaeda and other Islamist terror organisations consolidate their military capacity in the Sinai Desert, manoeuvring there with ever-increasing independence, the dilemma which Israel will face in the next few months is already clear: which poses a greater threat to her security – unrestrained Islamist cells on Israel’s south-western border, or the Egyptian Army?

From the north of Israel:

Turkey Gives Israel 24 Hours to Apologize

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu gave the Jewish state 24 hours Thursday to apologize for the killing of Turkish activists who attacked its soldiers on the Mavi Marmara last year. Otherwise, he warned, his country would take diplomatic steps against Israel.

Keep in mind, these are the very same flotillas which, as Israeli soldiers boarded - without weapons (well, ok, they did have rubber bullets), they were brutally beated and stabbed - one soldier was thrown overboard after having been stabbed multiple times. It was well-organized and well planned. And now Turkey expects Israel to apologize. Only in Bizarro World.

"Turkey will place sanctions that are well-known to Israel and other international elements," he warned. "If Israel does not apologize, we will begin to implement Plan B." This plan calls for the downgrading of diplomatic relations between the countries and "lawfare" against Israel in the world's courtrooms.

Turkey is part of the Gog-MaGog coalition who will invade Israel, so this shouldn't be a surprise.

From the west of Israel:

'Missile Threat Not About to End'

Rocket attacks on southern Israel launched by Gaza-based terrorists aren't going to end anytime in the near future, warned Home Front Command chief Matan Vilna'i soberly.

Speaking at a ceremony to install 50 mobile protective bomb shelters near schools in Ofakim, Vilna'i was quoted by the Hebrew-language Ma'ariv newspaper as saying, “The missile threat is not about to end in the next two years – so in addition to activity against terrorists, the Treasury should continue to finance these protective chambers in the south.”

Each circular concrete shelter can accommodate up to 18 people for short periods of time.

Although Ofakim is receiving protection for children as they begin the school year, the same cannot be said for elementary schools in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council district.

Council director Yair Farjoun told Arutz Sheva in an interview Tuesday that although the two largest schools in the region are now fortified against missile strikes, many other schools and day care centers are not.

Read the above paragraphs carefully. Israel now has to build bunkers in order to protect their school children from missile attacks.

What other country has to live like this?

Meanwhile, they are expected to give up vast amounts of (more) land to appease the same people who are openly sworn to destroy them.

Only in Bizarro World. Our world, as we approach the Tribulation.

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