Senin, 05 September 2011

Rumors of War: Israel Prepares for "Multi-Front" War

Not only are we watching the alarming arms build-up in the region - a build-up which has rapidly escalated since Egypt's takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood - but we can see Israel's response in preparation for the coming wars:

Home Front Command warns of looming multi-front war

Noting an increase in the chance for a multi-front war, OC Home Front Command Maj.-Gen. Eyal Eisenberg revealed on Monday that Palestinian terror groups used a new and advanced rocket in their attacks against Israel during the recent round of fighting in the Gaza Strip.

“After the ‘Arab Spring’, we assess that a winter of radical Islam will arrive and as a result the possibility for a multi-front war has increased including the potential use of weapons of mass destruction,” Eisenberg said during a conference on the Home Front at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.

Eisenberg revealed that during the recent round of fighting between Israel and Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip, a new weapon was fired into Israel. “We discovered a new weapon and as a result we instructed the public to take extra precautions and to seek cover under two roofs and not just one,” Eisenberg said.

Once again, Turkey is in the news with yet more inflammatory rhetoric:

Israel: Turkey Wants Confrontation

In addition to expelling Israel's senior diplomats, Ankara plans file suit against the Israeli soldiers and officials involved in the May 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla incident, suspend military agreements between the two countries, support the families of victims, and "take measures to ensure freedom of navigation in the eastern Mediterranean."

Also, Turkey said it will raise the issue of the Gaza blockade with the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

"The Turks are trying to forcefully lead us into an open confrontation and street fights in the international arena, but we shall not give them this pleasure," a diplomatic source said. Dozens of Israeli passengers on board a Turkish Airlines flight from Tel Aviv to Istanbul were held for 90 minutes by local police after their passports were taken away from them.

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