Rabu, 28 September 2011

More Updates: Palestinian Statehood Goes to UN Admissions Panel

PA Statehood To Admissions Panel

The United Nations Security Council agreed Wednesday to send the Palestinian application for statehood to its admissions committee for review.

The first meeting of that committee, which includes all 15 members of the council, is set for Friday.

"As you see, the process is moving forward step by step, and we hope the Security Council (will) shoulder its responsibility and approve our application and send a recommendation to the General Assembly for the admission of Palestine into the United Nations," Mansour said Wednesday.

In some other news in the region:

Region Watch: Storm Clouds Over Eastern Mediterranean

Another potential tipping point:

Cyprus dipute over natural gas exploration could be flashpoint where Ankara’s deteriorating ties with Jerusalem become truly dangerous.

Cyprus’s defiance of recent Turkish warnings against beginning the search for natural gas in this area is unlikely to be the last word on the matter.

Muscle-flexing in the eastern Mediterranean forms part of Ankara’s broader combined strategic and economic ambitions. Israel is part of the picture and is drawing closer to the Cypriots.

The Turkish Piri Reiss and a Norwegian seismic ship are to commence exploration, accompanied by ships of the Turkish Navy. There are reports that Turkish F-16s will be stationed on Northern Cyprus to provide protection for this activity.

The article closes on this ominous warning:

AKP leaders of Turkey are sailing into confrontation with a list of long-demonized enemies. Israel is near the top of the list. Economic ambitions and rivalries are combining for Turkey with strategic goals and ideological visions. The storm clouds are gathering over the eastern Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, in the midst of a dramatic escalation in world-wide sabre rattling, the U.S. plans to disarm:

Disarming America's Military

In an article posted on Military.com, a September 26 report released by the House Armed Services Committee warned that $465 billion in cuts to the defense budget over ten years would “transform a Superpower into a Regional Power” and return the military to funding levels of “the post-Vietnam Carter era of the late 1970s.”

Below are a few details:

The report contemplated cuts that would “eliminate 60 ships, two carrier battle groups, and over 200,000 troops through 2021.

The Army would lose ground combat vehicles. The Navy would suffer cuts in ship building and replacements for older ships.

The Air Force would likely lose the next generation bombers and aerial refueling tanker aircraft. The Marine Corps would lose personnel carriers and indefinitely postpone replacements for new amphibious assault vehicles and ships.

We also see this tragic story involving persecution:

Iranian Pastor Must Disavow His Christian Faith This Week Or Face Execution

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