Rabu, 21 September 2011

Updates And A Reminder

This is a time of unprecedented movements towards the final stretch into the Tribulation. There are dozens of prophecy related stories that have come in just since this morning and the stories are pouring in by the hour.

While it is tempting to get completely immersed and consumed by the various news stories, it may be easy to forget why we are here and why we are watching.

We have to keep our eyes on the ultimate goal: To be in the very presence of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. I fully believe that is the reason that we are told to "look up" when we see this escalation in the signs - because our redemption is drawing near - very very near.

This is a time of deep prayer and deep reflection on the mercy and grace provided by Jesus and what He did for us on the cross.

Having said that, there are so many pertinent news stories, only a brief intro can be provided for each. Some of the stories coming in are conflicting and we may not have the full picture until the end of the week.

Palestinians to Delay Call for Fast UN Vote

The Palestinian Authority, while determined to seek full membership in the United Nations, won’t push for an immediate vote in the Security Council, where it doesn’t yet have enough support for its statehood bid.

Allowing the UN’s administrative process to slow down a Palestinian application to the Security Council would give diplomats time to look for an alternative that restarts peace talks. The U.S. is using the time to lean on council members to abstain from voting in favor of the Palestinians, who are fighting to retain supporters.

In UN, PA Maps Erase All of Israel

Palestinian Authority representatives in the United Nations are handing out maps of "Palestine" that show it in place of all of Israel, including Tel Aviv, reports David Bedein of the Israel Resource Review
Bedein, who is currently in the United States, told Arutz Sheva: "They do not want a Palestinian state, but all of Palestine. The maps they hand out in their offices include all of 'Palestine.' They erase Israel completely in their maps."

Mahmoud Abbas is being disingenuous about his future plans, opined Bedein. "He wants the Palestinians to supplant Israel. He disseminates lies

Hamas: We may back Palestinian state that does not recognize Israel's existence

Gaza strongman Ismail Haniyeh reiterates criticism of Abbas-led statehood bid at UN, saying no Palestinian leader has the mandate to forfeit 'one inch' of historic Palestine.

Hamas supports the formation of an independent Palestinian state that does not recognize Israel's existence and which does not concede "one inch" of historical Palestine, Hamas' Gaza leader said on Sunday.

Palestinians need just two more Security Council votes in bid for statehood

Palestinian officials have so far enlisted the support of at least six or seven members of the 15-member Security Council in their bid to gain United Nations recognition as a sovereign state, a senior official said Tuesday.

"They are trying to convince two or three more Security Council members to vote in favor of accepting Palestine as a UN member state," Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki said.

Syria, Israel in harsh exchange at UN nuclear meet

Syria accused Israel on Wednesday of posing a threat to the world with its "huge military nuclear arsenal", a day after the Jewish state criticized Damascus for stonewalling a UN watchdog investigation into its atomic activities.

The exchange between the two adversaries, at an annual member state meeting of the UN nuclear agency, underlined deep divisions between Arab states and Israel ahead of rare talks later this year on efforts to rid the world of atomic bombs.

PA Arab Riots Begin to Escalate in Judea, Samaria

Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs held a violent demonstration Wednesday afternoon near the Zif Junction in Judea, south of Hevron.

The protesters hurled sharp-edged rocks at IDF soldiers, who responded with crowd-control measures to disperse the demonstration.

Dozens of PA Arabs also clashed with IDF forces near the Qalandiya checkpoint north of Jerusalem. The rioters ignited tires ablaze, and hurled rocks at the security forces, who used crowd control

Libya To Have A New Government Within 7-10 Days

Interim Libyan Prime Minister Mahmud Jibril announced on Wednesday that the country will have a new government inplace within the next 7 to 10 days.

Obama, who addressed a UN meeting on Libya, thanked the international community for the courage and collective will to act on the problem of Libya. He reassured Libyans that they could count on more international support in the future. Obama added the U.S. embassy in Tripoli will reopen this week.

Which leads to this story (which deserves more than a paragraph or two):

Obama Warmly Welcomes Al Qaeda At UN

President Obama yesterday led the warm welcome to the al qaeda linked Libyan rebels that have been officially recognized as the country’s new leaders and handed a seat at the UN General Assembly. More diligent observers found the spectacle rather unsettling, to say the least.

“Libya is a lesson in what the international community can achieve when we stand together as one,” said Obama after formally meeting the Libyan Rebels leader Mustafa Abdel-Jalil at the UN.

“Today the world is saying, in one unmistakable voice, ‘We will stand with you as you seize this moment of promise; as you reach for the freedom, the dignity and the opportunity you deserve,’ ” Obama stated, with many noting that the same ‘reach for freedom’ has been deemed to be unhelpful by US officials at the UN where the Palestinian people are concerned.

NATO today agreed to extend the Libyan mission by an extra three months. This will be the second three month extension and will ensure that a mission that Obama declared US forces would be engaged in for only days will now run at least nine months.

The resolution to hand the Libyan Rebels a UN seat was approved Friday by a vote of 114-17 with 15 abstentions.

The vote essentially means that al-Qaeda linked individuals are speaking for Libya at this week’s ministerial meeting of the General Assembly.

Baby girl injured during violent clashes in W. Bank

Clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli security forces in the West Bank on Wednesday amidst celebrations in support of the Palestinian Authority's UN statehood bid.

Demonstrators burn tires, throw stones at security forces; IDF uses new non-lethal sonic crowd dispersal weapon; injured man treated on scene.

An Israeli baby girl was lightly injured when Palestinians threw rocks at the car she was riding in, Israel Radio reported. Her family was driving near the Migdalim settlement in the West Bank.

The IDF, in order to disperse several dozen Palestinians who were burning tires and throwing stones at security forces, used "The Scream," a non-lethal sonic weapon that emits a deafening sound people cannot stand.

There are many more stories, but suffice it to say, things are rapidly coming to a head in the epicenter.

We are seeing an abundance of signs pointing to the final acts of this age. The stage is set for the final battles to begin - which we believe leads quickly to the Tribulation - and we all know that a much deeper and more profound meaning lies under these facts and signs: The gathering up of the Church also known as the Bride of Christ.

The signs are fascinating in the context of their significance and we are supposed to know and understand these signs. That is why we watch so diligently. Jesus made that fact abundantly clear in His various messages throughout His time on earth.

One only has to glance at Luke 12:35-56, Matthew 24-25, Luke 24:13-49 and Mark 13 (just to name a few), in order to understand the importance that Jesus placed on understanding these signs.

Well, they are here in an undeniable and unprecedented way at this very moment. There has never been a time in history like this - when all of the signs are not only increasing, but increasing at an epic rate.

Israel, and even more specifically, Jerusalem, is becoming more and more of a focus in terms of the world's attention. Just as the prophet Zechariah informed us.

The world is closing in around Israel and there appears to be no way out.

There will be a time in the near future where only God can protect Israel - a time that is rapidly approaching.

War is on the horizon and the alignments of those nations is now complete. Additionally, these nations are fully armed and ready to attack.

Israel's historic allies are abandoning them in favor of political correctness and their isolation grows by the day.

The mission and purpose of the Church on planet earth is almost finished.

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