Selasa, 20 September 2011

Interim Solution?

We are now seeing "frantic" activity as the end of this week approaches and things are now changing on an hourly basis (see post below, as rumors are suggesting that the vote may now be delayed)

Israel Floats 'Interim Solution' Proposal at UN To Stem Palestinian Statehood Tension

There were frantic efforts at the United Nations on Tuesday to avoid a Friday face-off over Palestinian statehood.

With the clock ticking toward a showdown, Israel floated the possibility of an “interim solution” to allow the Palestinians to establish a state within existing borders in Gaza and the West Bank and deal with all the tough stuff later, reports CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.

The proposal comes as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas pressed ahead with his campaign for statehood. He intends to speak at the UN on Friday and demand that the Security Council grant the Palestinians statehood status immediately.

One has to wonder if this idea could somehow be the genesis of a 7 year "interim" agreement, similar to the structure presented by the Oslo Accords of 1993.

We shall see.

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