Selasa, 06 September 2011

Elenin Updates

Most of the world remains uncertain about Elenin. Despite reassurances from NASA that this small comet will have no effect of planet earth, we all continue to see conflicting stories.

Is this really a comet? If so, is it a comet with strange electromagnetic properties that accounts for the earthquakes, etc., recently seen on earth? Is it a brown dwarf? Is it being followed by another large object? Is is being trailed by an "asteroid field" that will collide with the earth? Is the real information being hidden from the public in order to avoid widespread panic? Has it broken up, due to some unknown explosion in space? If so, has its course been altered? Could it hit our planet?

These are just a few questions being asked. This author has no idea.

Here are a few recent updates showing all sides of this story:

Comet Elenin Hit By An Explosion? Update: Nasa Images

Comet Elenin mystery took another twist as amateur observers Kelly and Rob Collins posted images from NASA's STEREO system showing the Comet splitting into two as a result of shockwaves from an immense explosion.

If the Comet has indeed been destroyed, this raises the questions of how, by what, or even by whom. Another question is if the debris from the Comet will reach the earth.

Amateur astronomer group tracking the Comet claims to have captured an explosion that changed Elenin’s trajectory yesterday. Could it be a hoax or disinformation? Russia Today interviews author Brooks Agnew on celestial events (video below).

This paragraph captures the controversy and confusion:

A group of amateur astronomers that has been tracking Comet Elenin for several weeks claimed to have captured footage (below) of an enormous explosion on Jupiter yesterday. Spartan Maverick, a YouTube alias, first suspected that the U.S. Government had launched a nuclear missile to destroy the Comet. Another interpretation is, that the Comet had discharged its enormous load of electricity on Jupiter, possibly becoming a benign entity that’s not a threat anymore. Jana Briz says the natural phenomenon is very much like plasma elecricity or lightning.

There was disagreement as to whether the Comet had changed its course or disintegrated as a result. Still another amateur speculation is, that Elenin was not a comet and something else all together.

Take a look at the interesting videos linked within this article. This whole thing remains a mystery.

Elenin No More? You Are So Wrong!

Think that Elenin "Disintigrated"? Not according to the video directly below.

If Elenin is still there, then what is it? A mere wimpy comet as NASA has suggested? The Hopi Blue Star? Another 'intelligent life form'? Alien intelligence?

Will Nibiru Arrive In September With Comet Elenin?

This article, like the ones above contains video segments pertinent to the story:

As Comet Elenin approaches the earth, the 10th planet controversy heats up. A gnostic school in Washington State issues an advisory to its students to be prepared by September 15. Does the Comet conceal a greater menace to earth?

According to conspiracy theorists NASA, the U.S. Government and others know about Nibiru that intrudes into our solar system every 3600 years, but cover it up to prevent panic or for other ulterior motives. Nibiru is said to be about 2-5 times the size of the earth with its own moons and a strong gravitational pull, a mini solar system.

Elenin Planet X Blue Planet - Does Anyone Know What This Is?

Who knows? What we are told about that these approaching objects ranges from being completely benign and no threat at all - to objects which will cause massive catastrophic events on earth. Who knows.

The Bible tells us that in these last days, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea." (Luke 21:25).

Either way, by the time Thanksgiving approaches (and possibly sooner), we should have our answers.

These are interesting times here on planet earth.

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