Minggu, 25 September 2011

Persecution: Is This Still America?

Before reading this article, just consider the foundations and origins of this country and the freedom seekers who fled an oppressive Europe for, among other things, religious freedom.

It is heartbreaking and disconcerting to read stories such as this one below, but as stated before, it represents just one more sign that we are rapidly moving towards the Tribulation:

High School Coaches In Trouble For Bowing Their Heads During Student-Led Prayer In Tennessee

Several public high school football coaches in Westmoreland, Tenn. are in trouble for bowing their heads during a student-led prayer before a recent game.

According to local NBC affiliate WSMV, the coaches didn’t say anything aloud themselves, but bowed their heads in observance alongside the students.

Word got back to the principal and the school district, which found the coaches’ participation to be an uncomfortable mix of religion and public school.

They simply bowed their heads during a student-led prayer. Thats it. They actually had the audacity to lower their heads during a prayer.

Have we really fallen this far in America?

We have reached a point in which a school representative cannot bow their heads in a public place, while remaining silent?

What makes this worse, is the fact that someone had to turn them in.

“We’ve been telling our principals to kind of be looking for those things, because that is kind of a shift in how things have been done,” district spokesman Jeremy Johnson told WSMV. “It can in no way appear like it’s endorsed by Sumner County Schools personnel.”

Silently bowing their heads? Really?

But resident Tony Bentle, who has been refereeing football games in the town for years, said crackdown “blew [his] mind.”

“We’re just respectful, God-fearing people up here,” he said. “Nobody in this town is offended if you pray. Nobody.”

Further violations of the policy could lead to disciplinary action for the coaches.

“That’s a violation of their rights. We should be able to bow our heads in reverence to God, wherever we are,” Bentle said. “It’s time we draw a line in the sand and say, you know, this is ridiculous.”

Indeed - but we are destined to see worse treatment as the Tribulation approaches. This is just foreshadowing of what is to come.

But for now, it is a sad day in America.

And it is important to remember. "They" can punish, they can threaten, they can sanction, and they can even remove our public display of our faith but they cannot take away our personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. No matter what they do, they cannot change that fact.

And that is what really matters - our personal relationship and faith in Christ Jesus.

And "they" will have to live with that fact.

They will also have to live with their lack of faith and the consequences of their actions, as there will come a day when every man's knee will bow before Christ.

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