Senin, 26 September 2011

Syria Claims Israeli Weapons Discovery

This story could initially seem like a minor, insignificant incident, but upon reflection, it could end up being a very big story - one that could even be used as an excuse to attack Israel.

For several months now, various news reports have been suggesting the possibility that Syrian leadership may seek a diversion from their internal problems, and of course Israel would represent the most obvious "diversion". Couple that with the Syrian obsession over the Golan Heights, and one could expect to see some form of diversion directed towards Israel.

In that context we look at this recent news story.

Syria Claims to Have Found Israeli Weapons in Horns

Syria claims authorities have found a vehicle loaded with Israeli-made ammunition used by anti-regime protesters.

The authorities in the Syrian governorate of Homs have seized Israeli ammunition, the state news agency SANA reported on Monday.

According to the report, a Peugeot 404 car loaded with amounts of weapons including Israeli weapons, explosive devices, ammunition and stolen military uniforms was discovered.

A military source told SANA that while searching the car, the authorities found an Israeli-made machine gun, hand grenades, including an Israeli grenade and some explosive devices, two of which are set for radio controlled detonation. In addition to that, the source claimed, four explosive devices were also seized.

It seems very unlikely that Israel would take such an enormous risk on such minor weapons, as their covert abilities would far exceed some small operation like this. Additionally, if Israel were to be involved in these uprisings (which is unlikely, given that the current uprisings, if successful, would only lead to a more radical anti-Israeli regime - see Egypt, Lebanon, Libya etc.), they would do so in a far more sophisticated, covert and significant manner.

Rather, this looks much more like a set-up by the current Syrian regime - and if that is the case, we can expect to see a big deal made out of this. One can only wonder what the long-term goal of such a set-up would be.

There was no confirmation of these findings anywhere else.


And this:

The Syrian government has been cracking down on anti-regime protesters and has often blamed foreign forces for inciting the protests. The authorities have more than once claimed that “terrorists who threaten us” are the reason for the full mobilization of military forces in Syria.

And below we may see what amounts to the bottom line, especially if this situation is indeed a set-up framing Israel:

This report might be an attempt to blame Israel for being behind an attempt to overthrow President Bashar Assad.

This story will be worth following very closely for further developments.

Expect to see an "official statement" by Syria in the coming days, if not hours - condemning Israel for inciting these riots and providing weapons to the insurgents.

Something just isn't right about this story.

It certainly doesn't seem likely that Israel would risk international condemnation and possible war with Syria over a few weapons (small enough to put in a Peugeot), explosive devices and some ammunition.

As stated, Israel has nothing to gain by these uprisings, which are led by radical Islamic groups similar to what has been seen in Egypt and Libya - and such instability in Syria is much more threatening to Israel. It makes no sense that Israel would assist the very same radical elements who would seek any opportinity to attack Israel.

Also compare this situation, to the extremely elaborate and sophisticated covert operations that Israel uses in Iran. A few loose weapons packed into a car such as this would be considered insulting to Israeli intelligence and military.

The obvious question then becomes - why would this story be planted by Syria?

The answers to that question are quite ominous.

We need to see what happens next. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of this story.

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