Kamis, 22 September 2011

Daily Headlines:

'Palestinians are still pushing for full UN membership'

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will present his request for full membership in the United Nations on Friday despite a warning from US President Barack Obama that the US will veto such a request, MK Ahmed Tibi told Army Radio on Thursday.

"We will give some time to the Security Council to consider first our full membership request before heading to the General Assembly," Nabil Shaath, a senior official in Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party, told reporters on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

NY: Obama tells Abbas US will veto Palestinians at UN

US President Barack Obama told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday that UN action would not achieve a Palestinian state and the United States would veto any Security Council move to recognize Palestinian statehood, the White House said.

Obama courts Jewish vote with UN speech

Sarkozy advocates Palestinian observer status at UN

In his address to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy demanded a “precise timetable” for Israeli- Palestinian peacemaking and an “intermediate” stage offering the Palestinians observer state status.

“One month to resume discussions, six months to find an agreement on borders and security, one year to reach a definitive agreement,” Sarkozy said of the timeline he foresees, adding that France proposes hosting a donors conference to facilitate Palestinian attainment of a state.

PA Arab Riots in Beit Ummar as UN Statehood Bid Approaches

Palestinian Authority Arabs continued Thursday with rioting in Judea as demonstrations to “celebrate” the Ramallah government's statehood bid at the United Nations -- and to protest U.S. President Barack Obama's speech supporting Israel's contention that direct talks are the only route to real peace -- become increasingly violent.

Pro-Israel Christians and Jews Unite at UN Rally

Before noon on Wednesday, September 21st, scores of stalwart Christian supporters of Israel along with sizeable contingents of Jews, poured into Dag Hammarskjold Plaza near the United Nations to express their indignation over the unilateral Palestinian bid for statehood expected to take place on Friday as part of the annual UN general assembly meeting.

Sponsors of the rally said that a coalition of close to 50 Christian and Jewish organizations along with the Israeli government had taken part in mobilizing over 5,000 people to attend under the banner of the “Eagles Wings Coalition Council,”

The demonstrators also roundly condemned the Durban III conference that is scheduled to take place tomorrow and marks the 10th anniversary of the first Durban Conference in South Africa.

Rising Anti-Semitism

For Jews, it is the 1930s all over again. We are living in the early days of the garden of beasts, although this time the appellation is not about one country, but about much of the world.

The various campaigns against Israel have long ago crossed the line from legitimate criticisms of a state’s policies to demonizing the Jewish people. The signs are everywhere, from the rhetoric of the good people at the local “peace and justice” brigade, to the flagrant anti-Semitism at our colleges and universities. These institutions have decency and sensitivity codes to protect every identity group, but find anti-Semitism the one hate speech protected by the First Amendment.

Israeli forces on high alert for Hamas-led anti-US Palestinian riots

Israel's military, Shin Bet security service and police went on elevated preparedness for trouble Wednesday night, Sept. 21, after receiving information that the Palestinian Hamas and other radical groups were preparing to stage violent confrontations with Israel on the West Bank, exploiting the anti-US mood sweeping Palestinian areas after President Barack Obama's UN speech

Crowds gathered in Ramallah and the streets of West Bank towns Wednesday - originally to celebrate the Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' application for UN recognition of Palestinian statehood - instead shouted anti-US slogans and burned American flags.


There are actually other interesting news stories from around the world. Below are the headlines if you are interested:

Is crude oil still gushing in the Gulf? New 10-mile oil slick spotted near Deepwater Horizon

New oil leaking in Gulf "could be impossible to stop"

Typhoon Hammers Japan, Spreads Radiation to Tokyo

Former FBI Agent: Arab Spring Made Muslim Brotherhood Stronger In The Middle East And America

Mysterious "booming sounds" perplex scientists

"Hell on earth": Detailed Satellite Photos Show Death Camps In Korea

Syria forces amass ahead of major protest crackdown

Tropical Storm Ophelia Forms In The Central Tropical Atlantic

The Questions Never Asked About Palestine

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