Selasa, 13 September 2011

Libya: The War for Radical Islam

This article comes from Europe News and it once again reveals who the real victors are in Libya:

Libya: The War for Radical Islam, and a Defeat for the United States

This is the first time in history that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood welcome what is supposed to be a « victory » for Western forces.

It is the presence of members of Islamic-terrorist movements among Libyan « rebels » --as well as the many atrocities committed by « rebel » forces against black Africans -- that the mainstream media are now largely ignoring.

The commander of the Tripoli Military Council, Adbelhakim Belhadj, is the former head of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, an al-Qaeda affiliate. The commander of the Benghazi Military Council, Ismail Al Salabi, is a former high level member of the same group.

And here is the ultimate irony even in Bizarro World:

Those who have guns in Libya today are people who have a jihadist past, and who, until recently, maintained close links with people against whom the U.S. military is now battling in Afghanistan.

Go figure.

This article is worth reading but here is the bottom line:

At best, Libya will become a country where an appearance of democracy will cover the reality of an authoritarian Islamic regime.

At worst, the country will slide into a prolonged civil war, and become a rear base for radical Islam.

Either way, the rise of radical Islamic factions within Libya only serve to strengthen the alignment of nations sworn to destroy Israel. Just as we would expect.

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