Jumat, 09 September 2011

Egypt: Protesters Attack Israeli Embassy (Updated)

This just in from Israeli National News:

Egypt: Protesters Tear Down Embassy Wall

Just a short while after it was put up, hundreds of Egyptian protesters tore down on Friday the security wall that had recently been put up near the entrance of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo.The Associated Press reported that Egyptian security forces did not intervene as crowds climbed the embassy security wall, pummeled it with hammers and tore away large sections of the barrier.

Israel's Channel 10 News reported that after bringing down the wall, the protesters managed to overcome all the heavy security around the 21-storey building which houses the Israeli Embassy and were even able to climb onto the floor on which the embassy is located.

The Associated Press reported that just before midnight local time, a group of protesters reached a room on one of the embassy’s lower floors at the top of the building and began dumping Hebrew-language documents from the windows.

An Israeli official confirmed in a conversation with AP the embassy had been broken into, saying it appeared the group reached a waiting room on the lower floor. IDF Army Radio reported that there were no embassy employees in the building at the time of the break-in.

There was recently an unconfirmed report that a protester had fired at the embassy building. The same day, a Muslim Brotherhood cleric called on Egyptians to murder all Israelis in the country.

Aren't we being told that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate group? Perhaps not.

The situation remains volatile in the Epicenter. Every day we see some combination of missiles launched, terrorist attacks, demonstrations, shootings, or some other form of violence in or around Israel. In this powder keg, with tensions at high levels, it won't take much to trigger an unstoppable cascade of violence leading to the expected battles.

Stay tuned.

The Jerusalem Post updates the story:

Egyptians Attack Israeli Embassy

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